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Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

Good morning,

It goes without saying that I want to wish everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving.

Many times the days go by and we get caught up in just "life" happening. I know it happens to me everyday. I want to take today and send out some very much delayed Thank yous.

The first thing I am thankful for are all our service men & women protecting this valuable freedom that we have. I may not agree with our president all the time, but I am thankful that the war on terror is being fought and won over there, and not on our precious soil. For all the Army, Sailors, Air Force and especially my beloved United States Marine Corps, THANK YOU.

I am thankful for the many friends I have and especially my very close friends. This past year has been a struggle personally, financially and also in business. My buddies are the best as they have stood by, helped when they can or could, and have been a shoulder to lean on. THANK YOU

I was also very fortunate to visit NYC this year and revisit with some ole Marine Corps buddies. You guys are the best. Probably the best times in my life are when I served with them. THANK YOU.

Now my daughter, what can I say. This little gem has me wrapped around her finger like I don't know what. Her smile melts me, and even though I get on to her, she loves me. Somebody with a warped sense of humor thought it would be funny to put me in charge of a teenager. Well, as tough as some days are, Thank you. This girl brings home A's & B's on her report card, does her very best on the volleyball court, and is overall just a very good child. I am blessed. THANK YOU

And so, as this day winds down and continues, I will always think of those that have helped me, where I have been, and most importantly, where I am going. I look to 2008 with much anticipation.

I believe I have found a true love for me, and with all things I am waiting patiently on that to develop. I believe the new year will bring continued success to my locksmith business and the other online ventures I am trying.

Happy Thanks giving everyone.

I'm Trap & I'm Out!

PS...Prime Rib for dinner this afternoon! Mmmmmmmmmmmm

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