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Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Protect your house and family from bump keys, part 2


Our previous post was part one about bump keys.

Here now is part two. I hope the previous and following
tips and guidelines are useful for you.

Grade one hardware: locks that are classified grade one generally are made
for commercial installations and can be used hundreds of times each day and
still work for many years. Even though they are commercial grade, many are
used on homes where people want the strongest hardware possible.

Grade three hardware: this is the lowest quality type of hardware usually sold
in most hardware stores and many internet stores that are not really familiar
with quality hardware.

We strongly suggest you never use this cheap hardware.

ASSA is one the predominant high security lock manufacturers in the United
States and has been trusted for more than thirty-five years to provide cylinder
and hardware security for the private, commercial and government sectors.

“No, you cannot go to the local hardware store or Home Depot and obtain
ASSA blanks or have ASSA keys copied.” says Sherwood

The real threat to the public is in not taking responsibility for their own safety
and not taking criminals seriously.

The Associated Locksmiths of America (ALOA) has issued press releases
to the public advising concerned individuals to contact and consult with a
Certified Locksmith (CRL, CPL, CML) or we also reccommend a State
Licensed Locksmith.

ALOA is located on the web at

Instead we are giving you a broad range of security tips that will help make
your home less inviting to an opportunistic criminal, the above solutions
overview gives you an idea of what you can do immediately to improve your

The final message is simple and some good news: Fit a bump proof lock to
your door today as there are several locks available that aren’t vulnerable to

If you are concerned your safety is at risk feel free to call us for a security

Ask us about ASSA high security locks that resist bumping.

I hope you will share this information with your family friends… and that you
will contact us when you are ready to upgrade from that less than ideal
lockset on your front door.


Thomas Sherwood
615 355-5886

PS…Update about the so-called “WD-40 fix.” There are news media
agencies reporting that spraying WD-40 in the lock prevents the bump key
from working, however this information is absolutely wrong.

If you want more information or if we can advise you further on the security
of your home or business, we will make ourselves available at your

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