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Saturday, October 18, 2008

Who else wants emotional or physical relief with EFT?

"The cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the body's energy
system" The Discovery Statement by Dr. Roger Callahan.

Emotional Freedom Techniques or EFT is an energy psychology that
literally allows one to tap his or her way to emotional freedom.

Deepak Chopra, MD says "EFT offers great healing benefits.

I first came across EFT by listening to an interview by Dr. Joe Vitale
with Brad Yates. As I listened, I became intrigued, but to be honest,
not really sold on an idea that tapping certain parts of ones body would
bring relief from pain or even emotional scars.

Except for massages, I have never been one into some type of
"spiritual healing."

Arriving home and turning off the interview, I noticed again, a pain in
my right knee. My knee had been bothering me lately, but like most
guys, I got use to just shrugging it off.

Sitting down in my house alone I got to thinking about what I just had
heard, and hey, since I was alone, nobody to bother me or make fun
of me, lets give this EFT thing a shot.

Well, I did a round of EFT, and felt a little better. To be honest I didn't
expect a miracle, or anything really for that matter, but I did feel

Or I should say, "I felt less of something in my knee."

So what the heck, I tried another round,

Sure enough, I had even less pain in my knee before. This pain in my
knee I should note would be like the ripping sound of Velcro in my knee
as I moved it.

The light bulb in my head went off, "I AM on to something here!"

So onto round three of EFT.
(each round of EFT takes only 3-5 minutes).

After round three, I stood up and walked around the room again, just
like the other previous rounds, and guess what, that's right, no pain.

Unbelievable! To say the least, I am "sold" on this crazy tapping

Gary Craig, the originator of EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques)
gives a clear and convincing argument for why EFT is a long-overdue
recommendation for healing.

"EFT is the missing piece to the healing puzzle.

The easiest way to explain EFT is to say that it is a kind of acupressure
for the emotions".

I would like to add that it helps the physical aspects of the body too.

The beauty of EFT is that anyone can learn the basics easily and

I'm not saying here that EFT is perfect, but along with healing my knee,
it has helped me in other emotional areas of my life also.

We have just barely scratched the surface with this post, but if you are
If you are looking for the way to better yourself physically, emotionally or
even monetarily,

(Oh yes, EFT can help with money problems too),

I urge you to visit : now

"EFT is destined to be a top healing tool for the 21st Century" says
Bruce Lipton, PhD.

Thanks to EFT, (Emotional Freedom Techniques) you never need be
controlled by fear, anxiety, doubt, poor self image or other negative
emotions again.

Enjoy & Prosper,


PS...This has really helped me in all aspects of my life, take 5
minutes and discover how it can help change your life...
for the better!

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