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Monday, November 03, 2008

Hair of the Dog also prevents Hangovers

Greetings and Good Morning,

Did we all have a good weekend?

Or did we maybe have "one" too many cocktails over the weekend?

If so, did you "pay" for it the next morning?

Hi, It's Trapper from

I just wanted to pass on a tidbit of info on hangovers.

Hangovers as we all know are no fun!

But, Hangovers Beware!

You have probably heard all sorts of of "Crazy"
solutions to cure or prevent hangovers, but I am going to share one with you that really does work.

Here it is, "Hair of the Dog"!

How can I make such a bold claim?

Here's why, I have personally put "Hair of the Dog" to the test!

I have stayed up way to late, I have drank "one" to many, and as you know, when that happens, the next morning can be a bear!

With Hair of the Dog's patented formula it literally clarify and restore your body.

Not only does each can of Hair of the Dog contain over 1,000mg of Vitamin C, but here's the kicker, each can also delivers 3,200mg of Phase 1 and Phase 2 detoxifiers which specifically targets the liver.

As you know the liver works as a filter, protecting you from thousands of toxic substances you ingest each day such as medicines, alcohol, pesticides and chemicals.

So why not detoxify your body while you drink the Healthiest energy drink on the Planet!

Get yourself prepared for those long weekends, where you might tip just one or two to many.

Trust me, you'll regret not getting some Hair of the Dog the next morning!

Face it, Hangovers, when they do occur are no fun, but now you can do something about them.

Take a bite out of Hangovers with Hair of the Dog.

Visit Hair of the Dog now to get your cure.


Thomas "Trapper" Sherwood

PS...Delivery time to your door is usually a quick two-three days after you place your order.

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