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Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Be a Tigger!

Just like the character in the Winne the Pooh story, be a Tigger!

Live life, Go for your Dreams! Don't let anything or even most importantly anyone stop you from trying to acheive your dreams.

Use whatever vehicle it may take to acheive your dreams.

There is a whole world out there, get out and expierence it! Life is way to short to sit around complaining. Yes, it is safer and easier, but at the end of the day where are you? Just the same place.

We have but a couple of days left in the month of Feburary. That means two months of 2008 have past already.

Are you doing anything to change your current position? Do you want to? What are your dreams, your desire??

GO FOR IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Some people may say I bounce from idea to idea. They are right. But, I have my dreams and the different vehicles I use and that I am creating will get me there.

Here are a couple of my projects I have been working on.

1- This is in the early stages of a self help site.

2- This site, I believe the title speaks for itself.

3- This site is going to be a improvement of with more info and an easier to remember name. :)

So you see, even though I have been promoting the Info Product Dashboard the past month or so, I am also a user and most importantly a believer in it!

So, what are your dreams for the rest of the year, and how and when are you going to start on them?

The clock is ticking on 2008! tick, tick, tick

I'm Trap & I'm out!

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