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Sunday, September 21, 2008

The Great Cookie Dough Crusade...revisited


If you read my blog a few weeks ago, or you check my achieves, you will remember or read about "The Great Cookie Dough Crusade".

This was about helping my daughter and her volleyball team raise much needed funds through the selling of cookie dough.

Well, the team did very good, (Not sure of the actual numbers, guess my Top Secret Security clearance from the Marine Corps wasn't high enough for me to know info such as that).

The coach was pleased. That's always a good thing.

So, the cookie dough arrived Wed night. We spent some of the evening delivering the dough to friends that bought some.

When we got home, we baked some of the Peanut Butter ones, 18 to be exact!

Oh they were so good.

So this morning, just to be safe, (Quality Control you know) we baked some of the White Chocolate/Macadamia nut cookie dough.

Once again these get my vote!

So, all in all, the team raised a fair amount of money, and the product was well worth the price.

(Now to go get that Gym membership, I have a feeling I am going to need it!)

I'm Trap, Good Sunday Morning to you all!

PS...maybe if I drink some Glyco Tea with all these cookies I want absorb to many carbs, ah one can only hope & dream

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