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Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Bark at the Moon, a special Labor Day Drink recipe

Greeting all!

As we had into this Labor day weekend, I know lots of people are going to raise some cane and want to "Bark at the Moon"!

What better way to do that than with a special drink!

Here's a secret recipe to do just that!

"Bark at the Moon"
1/2 shot Tequilla
1/2 shot Triple Sec
1/2 shot Vodka
1/2 shot Rum
1/2 shot Gin
1/2 can of Hair of the Dog
Serve over ice with a Lemon Garnish

Now go Howl!


PS...please drink responsible and ALWAYS use a designated Driver!

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Monday, August 25, 2008

Don't let Labor Day be ruined by a Hangover

Hangovers as we all know SUCK!

But, Hangovers Beware!

Hair of the Dog is nothing like you have ever seen!


Because Hair of the Dog's patented formula can literally clarify and restore your body.

Not only does each can of Hair of the Dog contain over 1,000mg of Vitamin C, but here's the kicker, each can also delivers 3,200mg of Phase 1 and Phase 2 detoxifiers which specifically targets the liver.

As you know the liver works as a filter, protecting you from thousands of toxic substances you ingest each day such as medicines, alcohol, pesticides and chemicals.

So why not detoxify your body while you drink the Healthiest energy drink on the Planet!

Get yourself prepared for this long Labor Day weekend, where you might tip just one two many.

Trust me, you'll regret not getting some hair of the dog the next morning!

Face it, Hangovers suck, but now you can do something about them.

Take a bite out of Hangovers with Hair of the Dog!

Visit now to get your cure.

I'm Trap & I'm out

PS...Comment me and ask how you can get a coupon for $9.00 off a case! Limited Time, Limited Supply!

PPS..Order NOW for this upcoming weekend while you still have time!
Delivery time to your door is usually a quick two-three days after you place your order.

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Friday, August 22, 2008

The Great Cookie Dough Crusade is over

Hello friends,

The Great Cookie Dough Crusade is over.

I want to thank everyone that helped or offered donations for the Otis Spunkmeyer cookie dough that my daughters high school volleyball team was selling.

Without knowing the exact final numbers, I believe they met their team goals.

The girls are very excited as it will enable them to purchase a new net, and some much needed game & practice balls.

Thanks again,


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Monday, August 18, 2008

The Great Cookie Dough Crusade

Howdy Friends,

Just a quick note to remind ya'll that this is the last week of the Great Cookie Dough crusade to help my daughter's High School Volleyball Team.

You can read more about what I am talking about at a post I made Monday Aug 11th.

If you can help these girls out, it would be greatly appreciated.

Who knows, maybe one of these girls will be on their way to the next Olympics!



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Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Magic Bullet (Case Study)


Here's a really cool case study for you to check out.

It’s about this guy named Brad who went from $0 to $1,000 online in 30 days selling magic tricks to the dating niche.

He is an Internet newbie with a pretty cool story and he even does a nifty magic trick using a pocketfull of $1 bills.

You can check it out here:

Best of luck,


PS: Brad even has friends offering to pay him to teach them his secrets to making money online. And get this. Brad only has step #1 of the Quattro system in place. He's feverishly working on step #2. (should add $12K to his business overnight)

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Monday, August 11, 2008

Who else wants to help a local High School Volleyball Team?

My daughter's High School Volleyball team needs your help.

Let me explain.

You see, they have a new coach this year, and a new start to their upcoming season.

But, the volleyball booster club balance is at an all time low.

This means no extra pre-season scrimmages to hone their skills.

No new uniforms that are much needed, and also, no new net.

Gosh you see see the old net, it has holes in it!

Because of these facts, I am writing to ask your help.

The team has started a fundraiser, with of all things, cookie dough.

Imagine biting into some fresh baked Otis Spunkmeyer Chocolate Chunk, or maybe some M & M Candies, or perhaps some delicious Oatmeal Raisin cookies coming out of your oven.

Ah, the memories that the smell of fresh baked cookies bring back.

For the low price of $16.50 an order, (enough for 48 cookie an order) you can help the team purchase the much needed supplies that the school can't give them.

Be assured that all money that the team receives from this fundraiser will be used to help the team.

You say you really don't want some cookie dough because you are on a diet, or just don't want any.

I understand, but there is still a way you can help.

Please contribute to the team with at least one order, and I will personally see that your cookie dough gets put to good use through a local charity in your name.

How many would you like?

Please contact me at with your order & I will reply on how we can take your donations.

Thanks in advance for helping the volleyball team get their season off to a great start!

Thomas "Trapper" Sherwood

PS... you can choose from, M & M Candies, Snickerdoodle, Chocolate Chunk, White Chunk Macadamia Nut, Oatmeal Raisin, or my favorite Peanut Butter.

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Thursday, August 07, 2008

What happens in Boise...

The Boise incident


Apparently, what happens in Boise...does NOT stay in Boise.

Let me explain.

As a favor to Russell Brunson, Kevin Wilkeand Matt Gill spilled their guts during a 60 minute impromptu presentation at one ofRussell’s events in Boise last September.

Matt and Kevin explained their in-house"shock and awe" 4-part money-getting Quattro system.

The response?

A 5 minute standing ovation AND an unscheduled15 minute break to restore a semblance of orderto the event.

People were that BLOWN away by the content they shared.

In fact, it was so good, bootleg copies of the presentation were later passed around among some of the top gurus and discussed at mastermind groups.

I bet you're wondering how you could get your hands on a copy of the presentation?

I have some great news.

You can watch the entire, now-legendary 60 minutepresentation that started the whole Quattro "shock and awe" ruckus for free when you register here:

True story.

One guy added $2 million dollars tohis bottom line in 3 months after watching this video and adding only 2 of the steps Matt andKevin discuss.

Then there's another guy who went from doing $550k/year to $8.3 Million a year just by adding Quattro to his business.

Go watch the video and see for yourself what all the ruckus is about.


PS: I always knew Wilke was a hell-raiser. This just proves it. Russell said the folks at the seminar were so fired up after Kevin spoke, they nearly hit the streets ofBoise to break windows and burn cars,hence the unscheduled 15 minute break.


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