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Monday, December 22, 2008

Take the bite out of hangovers with Hair of the Dog

Hey guys & girls,

Celebrating New Years Eve is quickly approaching us.

Don't be hurting January 1st with a big hangover because of to much partying.

Drink some Hair of the Dog!

One can before going to sleep or passing out, & you will be feeling sooooo much better when you wake up.

Hair of the Dog also makes a great mixer.

Recipes can be found at

You can order Hair of the Dog at



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Thursday, December 18, 2008

Stop Trading Time for Dollars, Start Trading Products for Dollars

The Info Product Dashboard. Here's the concept. It's very simple:

1. You either trade time for dollars, or products for dollars

2. Marlon walks you through a simple, doable, step-by-step
process for creating your own info product in about 20-30 minutes
per day, 6 days a week over a 6 week period.

3. How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. That's what
the Info Product Dashboard does. It breaks it down into one bite
at a time.

Now, it isn't all fun and games. There ARE legitimate obstacles
you have to overcome.


Obstacle 1: I want to create my own info product but I'm NOT
an expert at anything.

Solution: Marlon shows you step-by-step how to use the knowledge of
OTHER experts to create your first info product.

Obstacle 2: I don't have money to pay experts

Solution: Marlon shows you a secret source a friend of mine uses to get
experts to create his products with him -- at ZERO cost. Zero!

In some cases, you may pay experts a relatively modest sum. But
I'm going to show you a killer way to get experts to co-create
info products with you and they won't charge you a cottin' pickin'

Obstacle 3: Creating an info product is hard work and takes

Solution: If you have 20-30 minutes a day, just follow Marlon's step-by-
step instructions, screen caps and videos.

Obstacle 4: I'm a newbie and don't know what topic to produce a
product on.

Solution: In the Info Product Dashboard, Marlon'll give you a few very
simple things you can do to find a good topic. You don't need a
million things to do. He boils it down and gives you just a few that

Obstacle 5: I don't have money for recording equipment, software
and all that jazz.

Solution: Marlon's eliminated virtually every expense possible. Most
everything can be done without money. He gives the free resources
and then, if appropriate, a paid resource, if the paid one is what
he personally uses. That way, if you don't have money, you can use
the free one. If you DO have money, you can use what he personally
uses in his own business.

Obstacle 6: Where will I find these experts? I don't know where
to find them.

Solution: Marlon shows you his secret resources and places they hang
out at. Of course, you may have friends, family, acquaintances or
others who will allow you to borrow their knowledge.

Obstacle 7: "I don't have a lot of money to order a bunch of CD's."

Solution: You can delivery digitally. Marlon shows you how, gives you
templates, the whole ball of wax. But if you WANNA do a CD, he
gives a place that will do a quantity as low as ONE at a great price,
AND ship the CD for you. There are no barriers here to people who
own the Info Product Dashboard.

Obstacle 8: I don't know how to do video and I can't afford

Solution: Marlon shows you how to create video to supplement your
products with using a free software program. Video is a very nice
addition to a product. And he makes it easy and cheap for you.

Obstacle 9: I can't afford Sound Forge to edit AUDIO with. How do
I create audio?

Solution: Marlon shows you how to do it easy with a free program.

Obstacle 10: "I hate reading a bunch of long, drawn out stuff."

Solution: Marlon shows what to do and HOW to do it without any filler
or fluff. This is an ACTION system.

But he also shows you secret places to find people most don't know about.
Including ONE that gets a WHOPPING 30% success rate when the
right email is sent. The exact word-for-word email is one of the
fast action bonuses he offers. Oh, he gives you the SOURCE
of these experts also.

You have a decision in life.

Do you want to trade your TIME for dollars?

Or do you want to trade PRODUCTS for dollars?

Click here to make your choice.

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Thursday, December 11, 2008

Amazing Formula Q&A

Here are some Q&A's Marlon has answered on the
Amazing Formula:

Marlon, what is the main purpose of The Amazing

It's a slam dunk education in marketing. It's a real
eye opener for many people.

If you read through our over 100 pages of testimonials
(we're adding more all the time), you'll see what
people say. It has taken many people from not having a
clue about marketing to being totally wired.

I teach all about lead generation, front end, back end,
upsells, associate programs, traffic, conversion
percentages. So many things. And honestly, even with
the proliferation of Internet marketing products, I can
still say it's the only course that covers many of
these topics.

Every single bullet in the sales letter is covered in
the product. How many products can you say that about?
I know they are covered because I have a chapter that
covers every single bullet in the sales letter,

When someone writes and says I didn't cover something,
I know they haven't read the product!

What is the main benefit of The Amazing Formula?

Now, The Amazing Formula applies to all types of
products and services. It gets you up to speed on
marketing in a flash.

So many of things in it are things I learned through
the school of hard knocks. Others are things I learned
from clients. It shows you how to generate leads, get
people to your web site, make sales, get repeat

Am I guaranteed to make money?

No. All business involves risk of gain and loss. If you
can't handle the potential for loss, don't play the
game. I do everything in my power to put the odds in
your favor. And I tell you what works for me

This is all based on my own personal experience. That
is what separates it from a lot of products. A lot of
people write things that sound good in theory. Some of
them don't even write their own products!

You may not make a dime. And you may get rich. Chances
are, you'll fall somewhere between those two extremes.
That's as honest as I can be.

What separates the Formula from the other how to
products on the market?

I'm friends with many if not most of the other online
marketers who train people. So I would never criticize
their products. In fact, many of them are very good. I
endorse some of them.

However, The Amazing Formula has endured the test of
time. Other products come and go. Some become quickly
outdated. But The Amazing Formula is timeless and
applies to both online and offline marketing, although
the emphasis is concerning online marketing.

You have no idea how many emails I receive from people
thanking me for the product, telling me how it changed
their life and so forth.

None of those testimonials are made up. Every single
one is real. And I get new ones in the email every day.

One thing that differentiates The Formula is its global
and macro perspective. It approaches your business
model as a whole from beginning to end.

See, if your overall strategy doesn't work, you're
screwed. That's what the product really gives you. It
really isn't a tactics product. I cover tactics in my
other products like How to Automate Your Web Business.

Does The Amazing Formula apply to MY business?

We get this question everyday. I don't care if you're
in MLM or you sell doggie food. It applies to all
businesses because it's about the essence of business:
Getting leads and prospects, making sales and obtaining
the repeat business.

It handles those topics with a level of sophistication
and insight you won't find elsewhere.

As long as your business has to generate leads or
prospective customers, make sales and gain repeat
business, the formula applies to you.

I noticed you say you sell other products. Why isn't
everything in The Amazing Formula?

When you go to school, why isn't everything in one
course? It's the same answer.

The Amazing Formula is my intro product. Everything
else builds on it like Gimme My Money Now, How to
Create Your Own Products In a Flash, How to Craft Drop
Dead, Killer Ad Copy and so forth.

Do you provide free consulting if I buy your product?

No, my consulting fee is $1,000 per hour.



Get more details on the Amazing Formula that Sells
Product Like Crazy: Click Here

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Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Marketing Dashboard for You!

Dear Friend,

If you've ever thought, "geez, if I just had a
simple step by step system, with no fluff or
BS to wade through, then I'd be able to
really kick things into high gear, make some
money and have some fun."

If that's you, there's a brand new point-and
-click marketing Dashboard that's going to
literally blow you away.

Just listen to what people are saying about it.

Click here: Marketing Dashboard

Best Wishes,

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Saturday, December 06, 2008

Top 8 Tips on How to Choose the Right Tasting Wine

If you are that type of person who loves wine in every meal, then this is the article for you. Whenever you are confronted with a variety of wine bottles in your neighborhood shop, sometimes, you tend to let go of the thought of purchasing because you can't determine which is which. There are wines that came from foreign countries with names you can't even read.

Sometimes, these types of wines are those that taste exquisite and therefore shouldn't be taken for granted just because of your lack of understanding. Sometimes, you tend to choose something that you have already drank and swore never to drink again. In order to determine that a wine tastes as good as it looks, you have to know 8 factors which can make wine tasting all clear to you and to be able to make the right choice.

Educate yourself.

If you know nothing about wine, better ask someone to do it for you or else, you can just spend a sum on something that has a similar taste with polluted water. Read about the different kinds of wines which are assured to tickle your taste buds. There are tons of books readily available to help you gain knowledge on some of the most reputable wines.

Free taste.

For one to know how it feels, one must endure it first. That is why, whenever there are free tasting of wine within your area, grab that once in a lifetime opportunity. Events like these usually advertise good tasting wines which are offered cheaper compared to other brands. You local wine store can host evening sessions of wine gatherings. Through this, you are expanding your knowledge regarding the various types of wines.

Depend on dependable sources.

If you have the money for it, you can just go to wine establishments and ask for advice on the kind of wine that will suit your taste. Some of the elegant wine stores have services that will filter you with information about different kinds of wine. You will find yourself inside a cellar that's full of wine laid horizontally on compartments that prevents that wine from being exposed to heat and light.

Watch out for bad advertisements.

As much as possible, do not go for commercialized wines because these are usually poor in quality and you'll get lesser in taste. Do not settle for wines bragging about their labels because these can turn out to be just gimmicks. It is still best that you go for those local wine stores for they have some of the most exquisite wines not available anywhere.

Be aware of the importer.

Wine bottles which are imported are required by the law to have certain shipping information printed at the back of every bottle.

Be an avid wine drinker.

Sometimes, all you need to do is try it. To be able to determine the right kind of wine which completes your taste buds, you just have to make wine tasting your hobby. Frequent drinking can indeed put you in a lot of spending but if you have the amount for it, then go for the idea. You don't need to use up the entire bottle.

A glass of wine is enough for you to identify the kinds of wine which tastes superb.



PS...Discover how you too can become an expert in wine and wine tasting, please visit

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Monday, December 01, 2008

Simple Guide for Wine Tasting

So, you have been invited to your very first wine tasting party. You know that this is fun and it is a great way to show off your palate. But, what if you don't know anything about wine tasting? What if you don't know the proper way to taste wine? Surely you wouldn't want to be embarrassed in front of your friends as well as the host of the party tasting the wine the wrong way, would you?

So, here are some simple guides on how to taste wine.

You need to remember that wine tasting is a great experience. Most people do it in their own way but most people don't really know how to taste wine. Tasting wine is not just about having something other than water in your mouth, but tasting wine is about knowing the wine.

You have to remember that wine has a unique taste. It has a very complex and very rich taste that you need to fully taste. Wine tasting is not just about putting the wine in your mouth and swirling it around inside your mouth, but it takes some time in order for you to identify the wine and get its true flavor. That's the essence of wine tasting, which is getting the true flavor of the wine you taste.

Each wine isn't the same when it comes to flavor. The age of the wine will have an effect on the taste, which is why the older it is, the more expensive the wine is.

You also need to remember that the taste and quality of the wine will also depend on the quality of the raw products, which are grapes. The soil in each region is different with different amounts of minerals, and the amount of rainfall is also different on each region. This will also contribute to the taste of the wine.

Unlike other foods, the simplest difference in the taste of a grape will have a lot of difference in the taste of the final product which is wine.

Also, because each process of making wine is different in each region of the world, it will also contribute on the taste of the wine.

The point of all this is that you should take some time in tasting and smelling the wine. Don't just swirl it in your mouth and spit it out but you need to truly capture the flavor by seeing it first, then smelling it, and lastly, tasting it.

Try tasting as much wine as you can and washing your mouth off with room temperature water or unsalted biscuits to get the previous wine flavor off your mouth.

By tasting as much wine as you can, then you will be able to improve your palate and be able to know which type of wine suits your taste buds. Also, you will be able to gain experience in wine tasting so that the next time you get invited to another wine tasting party or you go on a wine tasting holiday in some of the most prominent vineyards in the world, you will be able to know and impress people on how knowledgeable you are with wines.

These are some of the things that you have to know about wine tasting. As you can see, it's not just about having something other than water in your mouth, but it's about truly capturing and identifying the complex flavor of wine.


PS...Looking to increase your knowledge on wine, more info can be found at:
The Absolute Beginners Guide to Wine

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