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Thursday, October 30, 2008

Zero Limits: The Secret Hawaiian System for Wealth, Health, Peace, and More

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Vitale's Secret "Half-Price" Limited Edition Launch!

Hey Ya'll,

Dr. Joe Vitale's Limited Edition "Hypnotic Social
Media Marketing Secrets" product launches today.

This is an actual physical kit you get shipped to
your door. (for the price of an ebook.) More on
that in a second.

Dr. Joe Vitale had 500 of these special edition
kits printed up with a 48-page study guide & CD
explaining every important social media marketing
site, what it is and how to use each one to get
maximum traffic and sales.

There are lists of all the special links you need,
and a Tips & Tricks guide to help you understand
and get started using social marketing fast - and
maximize results using expert tips.

IMPORTANT: It's An Integrated Marketing System

You learn how to use the powerful Social Media
Marketing tools the RIGHT WAY - as part of the
4-part integrated marketing system Dr. Joe Vitale
has perfected with his Hypnotic Marketing Formula.

Now, here is the really cool part. Because
Dr. Vitale is celebrating over 100,000 sales online,
he has just announced that he is going to be offering
the entire Hypnotic Marketing 2.0 course, which
includes the new Hypnotic Social Media Marketing kit,
at a discount.


That's right, starting today you can get the best-
selling Hypnotic Marketing 2.0 course for HALF-PRICE.

Dr. Vitale has a private reason for doing this,
and it has something to do with quickly meeting a
personal sales goal for this particular product.
(He recently celebrated his 100,000th online sale
online across the board, and apparently became highly
motivated to meet another personal goal).

So to recap:

1) HALF PRICE starting today. (we don't know right
now if this could end tonight, tomorrow, or when -
it's until the private sales goal is met)

2) If you are one of the first 500 people, you get:

- First 500 get a Limited Edition "Hypnotic Social Media Marketing" kit
mailed to your door containing a 48-page Social Media Guidebook
& and exclusive audio CD training with Miss W. & Dr. Vitale.

3) If you are one of the first 1000 people:

- First 1000 get Dr. Vitale's famous Hypnotic Writing Swipe
File that sells for $197 (but is currently off the market for 2 years,
can't get it at any price)

4) Everybody who gets in on Tuesday is guaranteed to get:

- Hypnotic Marketing eBootcamp ($497 value)

- Hypnotic Blogging course ($37 Value)

- Hypnotic Publicity Secrets ($37 Value)

- A brand new Bonus CD & Print Newsletter on the newest
publicity tactics shipped to you in November. ($47 Value)

- The Top 10 Most Hypnotic Emails of All Time ($37 Value)

- The Top 5 Most Hypnotic Websites of All Time ($37 Value)

- Hypnotic Language Secrets - $37 Value

- Dangerous Marketing - 21 Daring Ideas by Leading Edge Thinkers
(27 Value)

- 183 Emotional Selling Tools ($47 Value)

- Hypnotic Traffic Secrets ($47 Value)

- The Marketing Secret Behind The Secret movie ($27 Value)

- The Beyond Manifestation ebook ($27 Value)


Dr. Vitale must really want to meet his new goal fast!

You get a dozen of his popular products as a bonus,
and a half price discount, while it lasts.

Plus fast-movers get the Limited Edition physical kit
shipped to your door that includes the exclusive audio
CD interview with Miss W. and a 48 page Guidebook
to harness the power of Social Media Marketing.

Best Regards,


PS: There's a LOT to figure out with social
media marketing...

Twitter, tweets, facebook, digg, fliker, social
bookmarking, web 2.0, social media marketing...

How can you use all the new tools effectively in your
online marketing and not waste your time on what
doesn't work?

Quickly cut through to the answers in the Limited
Edition Social Media Marketing package Dr. Joe Vitale
has created that includes a 48-page printed guidebook
and an exclusive audio CD interview with Miss W.
shipped to your door.

media marketing tools - which ones work....and most
importantly how to use them as part of an integrated
marketing strategy. (you get all 4 parts in the
Hypnotic Marketing 2.0 course)

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Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The ghost of Thomas Paine and the second revolution

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Monday, October 27, 2008

Top Ten Halloween Safety Tips


I can't believe Halloween is here already. Where has this year

Halloween is fun for kids, but, unfortunately, it can also be an
evening that children end up visiting the emergency room.

Follow this advice to keep your kids safe this year.

1) The number ONE rule of Halloween safety is to ensure your child
is supervise. Parents should stay very aware of their children's

2) Don't let your child go to the door unattended and never let your
child go into the house. Because Halloween Safety is so
important, the parents should not be letting their 1st graders run
off by themselves.

3) Halloween safety is more important than candy. Halloween safety
is insisted on the child to prevent any accidents or injuries.

4) Halloween safety is about making sure kids are safe in their
costumes, on the street, and around strangers

5) Kids in ill-fitting costumes are more likely to trip and fall. As you
select your children's costumes, make sure they are fire-resistant
and not so long that kids could trip while walking.

6) Parents should also apply reflective tape on costumes, or make
sure kids have reflective shoes, hat or bag so they are more visible
to cars. Make sure adults are visible to cars at night also.

7) Rules on crossing the street and going with strangers can be
forgotten during the commotion of trick-or-treating; review the
rules with the kids. Reinforce basic safety tips such as:
(a) Don't get into cars with strangers,
(b) Not talking to strangers,
(c) Looking both ways before crossing streets,
(d) Be aware of what (and who) is around you,
(e) Obeying traffic rules.

8) Kids under 12 should have a parent travel with them. Try to
have at least one adult for every six kids in the group.

9) Do your Halloween safety duty and check every piece of candy
your kids bring home this year. The chances of your kids getting
contaminated candy are very slim, but it's always better to be safe
than sorry.

10) Additionally, fire departments throughout the US recommend
using Halloween as a day to change your smoke alarm batteries,
to alarm you if an accidental jack-o-lantern fire occurs, and to
protect your family throughout the rest of the year.

Additionally parents; remember to practice Halloween safety if you
are driving kids around. Do not pass stopped cars if you are driving,
as they may be unloading groups or small children. If you are
driving, it is best to choose a neighborhood, and park your

And please, don't talk on your cell phone while driving.


Thomas "Trapper" Sherwood

PS...Masks may be entertaining, but they can cause serious
Halloween safety hazards if they're not designed well. If your kids
have Halloween masks that restrict their vision, forgo the mask and
use face paints with nontoxic makeup instead.

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Saturday, October 25, 2008

15% of Brits are losing sleep, are you?

Hey Ya'll,

In a recent report just out, it states that 15% of the British people are losing sleep.

Now, how many of you are losing sleep?

If this crazy world is causing you to lose sleep, please visit and grab you a FREE copy of "The Sleep Secret"

This excellent sleep resource has helped me the past couple of years to stop losing the precious sleep we so need. It's also great for those much needed "Power" naps.

Check it out, oh yeah, did I mention that I am trying to bribe you by giving it away?



PS...don't let sleep deprivation cause you to lose your reaction time in critical areas in your life that could cause harm to you or others

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Friday, October 24, 2008

who else wants a crash course in internet marketing? (100,000 sales)

Hey ya'll,

I just got word that Dr. Joe Vitale passed
100,000 sales online. And if you have been
reading for blogs for any amount of time,
you know I am a HUGE believer in his stuff.

And he's celebrating in a big way!

First, he treated himself to a $375,000 Rolls
Royce Phantom.

But then he went and did something even more

For the first time ever, he is giving away his
own Internet success formula in this FREE
"Hypnotic Marketing Crash Course":

What do you think you could learn from a man
who has generated over 100,000 sales for
himself on the Internet?

Go get your crash course in his 4-Step Internet
Success Formula, and see how it not only works
for him, but has generated millions of online
sales for his students as well.

You'll learn how to create massive traffic and
sales online using the same 4-step integrated
marketing strategy he used to create 100,000
sales online.

Take it here:

Enjoy and prosper,


PS -- In the crash course, you'll learn:

- What is the simple little trick Dr. Vitale
used to get 20,000 new visitors to his site from
one blog post in a single day?

- What are the Top 5 "Web 2.0" sites to use in
your marketing right now? (and how even a newbie
can get get started using Twitter & Bookmarking)

- What are the 4 components of the integrate
Internet business?

- Dr. Vitale walks you through a hugely
successful website with an unheard-of 13.9%
conversion-rate (for over 10,000 visitors!),
breaking down what makes it work, and explaining why.

- Should you use a headline that can't be answered?
(you may be surprised!)

and much more in 98-minutes of brand new training
from Dr.Vitale that you can take to the bank right
now in his new "Hypnotic Marketing Crash Course"

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Thursday, October 23, 2008

Obama, McCain, Elections, Oh My!

Greetings everyone,

Today's post actually does not deal with personal safety
or personal security as much as it just deals with wanting
to help out as many people as I can.

In my travels throughout the day in my locksmith
business, I have come across many people concerned with
the upcoming elections, the economy, war, in other words,
just about everything under the sun.

I share their concerns and their worries.

Because of these worries, I have noticed something, and
also because most folks have told me, they are losing sleep.

Losing lots of sleep!

It got me wondering how I could help.

Yesterday while driving and listening to the clearing audios
by Dr. Joe Vitale & Pat O'Bryan, my divine inspiration came
to me.

Pat and Dr. Vitale speak often about giving, and that's what
I am doing.

Right now, and until November 12th, 2008, you can grab
yourself a copy of the much talked about book
"The Sleep Secret" for FREE!

This book has personally helped me as a business owner
and single dad stop losing the precious sleep we need and
value so much.

So, if this crazy world is causing you to lose sleep, and
you would like a FREE copy of this outstanding ebook,
please visit


PS...Just trying to help, please tell all of your friends!

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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Who else want to stay safe in their own kitchen?


Today's post covers some basic kitchen safety rules. I know this
is not all inclusive, so I would love to read your comments on
how you keep a safe kitchen.

Kitchen safety is of critical importance in every home, and
particularly when there are children around.

Kitchen safety is important, but probably the farthest topic from
their young minds. But there lots of things you can do to make it

Safety in the kitchen doesn't have to be expensive.

Because a kitchen is an integral part of our everyday life, kitchen
safety is as elementary as baking a cake. As you know there are
many potential hazards in the kitchen for children or an elder,
particularly if they are confused or unreliable. Teach them knife
safety rules, but make sure that an adult is always present.
Sad to say, but where there are sharp utensils some elders are
not reliable in the kitchen unsupervised.

Safety gates in doorways will keep children out of the kitchen
while you're cooking, but don't be tempted to disappear into
another room.

Safety gates, cabinet latches, corner guards, cord covers,
drawer latches and outlet covers are some of the essential ideas
for keeping your kitchen child safe.

Safety mats are used on the floor to prevent a slip or fall from a
ladder while reaching high up into a cupboard. Because of a
situation like that, safety should be a key determining factor when
considering kitchen cabinet remodeling.

Also, do you have working smoke detectors and carbon monoxide

Until children are age 14+ they should NOT operate the stove
top without adult supervision. Teach them this easy fire safety
Rule: Remember that when the stove is being used, that stove
is hot!

Keep a kitchen fire extinguisher close by, but also know how to
use it!

The National SAFE KIDS Campaign has created guidelines for
children in the kitchen to ensure safety and fun.

For more info on safety for your children,
Please visit &

Remember, with children, kitchen safety is the furthest thing from
their minds. Seriously, in the kitchen safety is always first and

We hope you have found these tips and guideline helpful and


Thomas "Trapper" Sherwood

PS....Teaching kitchen safety is a fundamental obligation of
parents, more so than pool safety or bike safety.

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Saturday, October 18, 2008

Who else wants emotional or physical relief with EFT?

"The cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the body's energy
system" The Discovery Statement by Dr. Roger Callahan.

Emotional Freedom Techniques or EFT is an energy psychology that
literally allows one to tap his or her way to emotional freedom.

Deepak Chopra, MD says "EFT offers great healing benefits.

I first came across EFT by listening to an interview by Dr. Joe Vitale
with Brad Yates. As I listened, I became intrigued, but to be honest,
not really sold on an idea that tapping certain parts of ones body would
bring relief from pain or even emotional scars.

Except for massages, I have never been one into some type of
"spiritual healing."

Arriving home and turning off the interview, I noticed again, a pain in
my right knee. My knee had been bothering me lately, but like most
guys, I got use to just shrugging it off.

Sitting down in my house alone I got to thinking about what I just had
heard, and hey, since I was alone, nobody to bother me or make fun
of me, lets give this EFT thing a shot.

Well, I did a round of EFT, and felt a little better. To be honest I didn't
expect a miracle, or anything really for that matter, but I did feel

Or I should say, "I felt less of something in my knee."

So what the heck, I tried another round,

Sure enough, I had even less pain in my knee before. This pain in my
knee I should note would be like the ripping sound of Velcro in my knee
as I moved it.

The light bulb in my head went off, "I AM on to something here!"

So onto round three of EFT.
(each round of EFT takes only 3-5 minutes).

After round three, I stood up and walked around the room again, just
like the other previous rounds, and guess what, that's right, no pain.

Unbelievable! To say the least, I am "sold" on this crazy tapping

Gary Craig, the originator of EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques)
gives a clear and convincing argument for why EFT is a long-overdue
recommendation for healing.

"EFT is the missing piece to the healing puzzle.

The easiest way to explain EFT is to say that it is a kind of acupressure
for the emotions".

I would like to add that it helps the physical aspects of the body too.

The beauty of EFT is that anyone can learn the basics easily and

I'm not saying here that EFT is perfect, but along with healing my knee,
it has helped me in other emotional areas of my life also.

We have just barely scratched the surface with this post, but if you are
If you are looking for the way to better yourself physically, emotionally or
even monetarily,

(Oh yes, EFT can help with money problems too),

I urge you to visit : now

"EFT is destined to be a top healing tool for the 21st Century" says
Bruce Lipton, PhD.

Thanks to EFT, (Emotional Freedom Techniques) you never need be
controlled by fear, anxiety, doubt, poor self image or other negative
emotions again.

Enjoy & Prosper,


PS...This has really helped me in all aspects of my life, take 5
minutes and discover how it can help change your life...
for the better!

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Friday, October 17, 2008

Are you trying to build a list? Get FREE training next Tuesday

Hey ya'll,

Last week, Internet marketing guru Derek Gehl issued a challenge...

If people stopped by his blog and told him what their #1 obstacle with making money on the Internet was, he'd help them overcome them, for FREE!

I've just heard from Derek, and it sounds like he's been REALLY busy reading everybody's submissions (looks like he got 4,596 of them!).

Anyway... now that he's finished reading all of the challenges, he's concluded that the absolute easiest way to help everyone succeed is with LIVE ONLINE TRAINING.

So here is what he's doing...

Next Tuesday, October 21st from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
(Pacific Daylight Time), Derek's going to run a massive LIVE training webinar... FOR FREE!

This mega-webinar will be four hours long, and will address the biggest challenges people are having making money online... and it will be absolutely jam-packed with hands-on tips and strategies.

Derek promises to spill his guts and transfer as much of his knowledge as humanly possible...

... but his webinar company only allows 1,000 spaces for the event, so to hold your place, you need to register immediately.

To register, just take a minute right now to go to:

As soon as you register, you'll receive a confirmation email from Derek (if you're one of the first 1,000 to register), guaranteeing you a place on the free webinar, along with details of how to access it next Tuesday.

Here's to you finally achieving the success you deserve!


P.S. Just to confirm, Derek's LIVE webinar will be held from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. PDT on Tuesday, October 21st... don't miss out.

Register for one of the limited number of spaces today at:

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Thursday, October 16, 2008

Red Sox win! Red Sox win!

Red Sox win! Red Sox win! The boys from Beantown come back from being 7 runs down! This is one of the greatest games I have evah seen!

Yes Virginia, there will be a game 6 in Tampa! Road trip, again :)

Keep your Sox on!

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Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Protect your house and family from bump keys, part 2


Our previous post was part one about bump keys.

Here now is part two. I hope the previous and following
tips and guidelines are useful for you.

Grade one hardware: locks that are classified grade one generally are made
for commercial installations and can be used hundreds of times each day and
still work for many years. Even though they are commercial grade, many are
used on homes where people want the strongest hardware possible.

Grade three hardware: this is the lowest quality type of hardware usually sold
in most hardware stores and many internet stores that are not really familiar
with quality hardware.

We strongly suggest you never use this cheap hardware.

ASSA is one the predominant high security lock manufacturers in the United
States and has been trusted for more than thirty-five years to provide cylinder
and hardware security for the private, commercial and government sectors.

“No, you cannot go to the local hardware store or Home Depot and obtain
ASSA blanks or have ASSA keys copied.” says Sherwood

The real threat to the public is in not taking responsibility for their own safety
and not taking criminals seriously.

The Associated Locksmiths of America (ALOA) has issued press releases
to the public advising concerned individuals to contact and consult with a
Certified Locksmith (CRL, CPL, CML) or we also reccommend a State
Licensed Locksmith.

ALOA is located on the web at

Instead we are giving you a broad range of security tips that will help make
your home less inviting to an opportunistic criminal, the above solutions
overview gives you an idea of what you can do immediately to improve your

The final message is simple and some good news: Fit a bump proof lock to
your door today as there are several locks available that aren’t vulnerable to

If you are concerned your safety is at risk feel free to call us for a security

Ask us about ASSA high security locks that resist bumping.

I hope you will share this information with your family friends… and that you
will contact us when you are ready to upgrade from that less than ideal
lockset on your front door.


Thomas Sherwood
615 355-5886

PS…Update about the so-called “WD-40 fix.” There are news media
agencies reporting that spraying WD-40 in the lock prevents the bump key
from working, however this information is absolutely wrong.

If you want more information or if we can advise you further on the security
of your home or business, we will make ourselves available at your

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Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Camp Fire Coffee

Greetings ya'll,

This just in from my new best friend George Dickel.

He sent me a new recipe for using Hair of the Dog.

(You won't find this at but we have plenty of other good ones there.)

George or I should say, Mr. Dickel calls this "Camp-Fire coffee"

In his words,

"Wake; prepare coffee up-on camp-fire; fill cup with coffee; add 4 saddle-thimbles whisky; consume; fish"

Now I gotta admit, not quite sure what size a "saddle-thimble" is, but I'm sure we can practice this till we get the taste right!

Oh, and where does Hair of the Dog come in with this recipe?

Mighty glad you asked.

Well, after fishin & drinking all day, to prevent the possibility of a next day hangover, you drink at least one can of Hair of the Dog before turning in for the night.

See how simple life can be? Wake up, make coffee up on camp-fire, mix coffee in w/George Dickel, consume, repeat as often as needed, fish. Ahhhhhhhhhh the good life. :)

Enjoy, and a Large "Thank You" for Mr. Dickel helping me out.


PS...Do you have your FREE recipes from If not, why not?
It is the healthiest energy drink on the planet too.

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Monday, October 13, 2008

Protect your house and family from bump keys, part 1


This post has to do with "bump keys".

On August 2nd, 2006, Newsweek ran a web article on bump keys that
started a public media spread of the information.

Bump Keys are an old locksmith method of opening or bumping locks.
Bump keys are usually considered to be a lock pick, so if lock picks are illegal
to possess in your geographic area, the bump key is probably also illegal.

Bump keys are "basically an old-fashioned way of picking a lock,"
said Jerry Cunningham, of the Danville Police Department.

Bump keys are certainly not the only way a criminal can enter your home,
business, or vehicle.

Police say burglars also tend to break-in in a more straightforward way, like
smashing a window.

Bump keys are just one more example of a threat to your personal safety.

Bump keys are no more a threat than any of the hundreds of other ways of
getting in your home, but now thanks to the internet and video sites,
lock bumping and lock bump keys are sweeping the internet and America.
So how can you provide the much needed security of your house against
bump keys?

First, you should be aware of this security vulnerability to your home and two,
you should consider buying a better lockset with more pins to make this
attack harder to execute.

In America, almost all the locks sold in hardware stores can be opened with
just two different bump keys. " Most consumer-grade deadbolt locks and
keyed doorknobs made by companies such as Kwikset and Schlage and
sold at home-improvement and hardware stores are easily opened with
bump keys."

"Bump keys are able to bypass both the standard lock in your knob and the
deadbolt and it's not just locks at home that concern security experts "It can
be pretty serious especially when you consider that more than five million post
office box locks can be bumped open in the same fashion which is perfect for
identity thieves."

"High security locks add extra locking features within the cylinder which
makes the bumping much more difficult," said Clyde Roberon of Medeco, Inc.

Police say there's more to home security than just locks.

Police do say spending all that money won't matter if you don't take the next
step of locking your doors in the first place, or activating your home security

In part two, to be posted soon, we will discuss the different grades of locks,
High Security locks, and an internet rumor that is FALSE about bump keys.

Thanks for reading, stay safe,


Thomas Sherwood
615 355-5886

PS....if you have any questions, please feel free to
contact us.

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Friday, October 10, 2008

we made it into the Trop, Go Sox!
video of the view of my hotel room in clearwater beach florida

View from my hotel of clearwater fla

Good Afternoon! after some much

Good Afternoon! after some much needed sleep after last nights drive to Tampa, feeling pretty good now. bring on the Rays! Stoked about the ALCS

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Paersonal safety at ATM machines; part 2


In a previous post we wrote about personal safety when using an ATM machine.

Knowing your surroundings play a major role in keeping yourself safe.

Let’s continue with part 2 of Personal safety at an ATM machine.

  • Choose an ATM that looks and ‘feels’ safer, even if it is a couple of miles
    out of the way.
  • Try and limit your use to daylight hours. Take someone with you after hours,
    if you can.

  • When you drive up to an ATM location, scan the area for any suspicious persons.
    If you see anyone suspicious standing nearby or sitting in a car, drive away.
  • When you approach an ATM on foot be prepared and have your access card ready.
  • Memorize your personal PIN number to prevent loss and speed the transaction.
    After inserting your card and your PIN number keep an eye out behind you.
  • Never accept an offer to help or request for help from a suspicious male ahead of
    you at the machine. If anyone suspicious or seemingly dangerous approaches
    terminate your transaction and leave immediately, even if it means running away
    and leaving your ATM card in the machine.
  • First, tell the suspicious male in a loud, firm voice to “back-off’ and leave you alone.
    This is designed to startle the person and give you time to flee, if appropriate.
    When you receive cash from the machine put it away immediately, extract your
    card, and walk away.
  • If you use your car at a drive-thru ATM machine the same rules apply.
  • Keep the car in gear, with your foot firmly on the brake, while using the
    ATM machine.
  • Keep a close eye on your rear and side view mirrors during the transaction.
  • Robbers almost always approach from the rear on the driver’s side. If you see
    anyone approaching, drive off even if it means leaving your A TM card behind.

If an armed robber confronts you, just give up your money without argument.
The cash is not worth serious injury or death.
Get to a safe place and call the police immediately!

As always, we hope you find these tips and guidelines useful.

If you have some comments on personal safety or security and you would like to share,
please help your fellow man or woman and leave us your comment.

Thanks for reading and stay safe,


PS…have you picked up your copy of our 40 reports on personal safety and security?

It’s available at:

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Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Personal Safety at ATM Machines; part 1


In this world of convenience, one of the most used is an ATM machine.
They simply have been incorporated into our lives. They are great to grab
some quick cash while on the run, but still, depending on the location and
time of the day, especially evening, still pose a bit of risk.

For personal safety and security sake, let’s do a little planning ahead so we
use them safely, with no injuries.

As always and as we have spoke about in other posts, be aware of your
surroundings. Just because a ATM machine is open 24/7 doesn’t mean it
is always safe to use it.

* Did you know most ATM robberies occur at night between 8:00pm &

* ATM robbers are usually males under 25 years of age.

* ATM robbers usually position themselves nearby waiting for a victim to
approach and withdraw cash.

* Most ATM robbery victims are women and were alone when robbed.

Most victims claim that they never saw the robber coming. ATM robbers
use a gun or claim to have a concealed weapon when confronting their
victim and make demands for their cash.

Your personal safety and security is at stake when using an ATM machine,
here are a couple of tips to make the transaction a little safer.

* Use only ATM Machines in well-lighted, high traffic areas.

* Don’t use ATM machines that are in remote areas or hidden in such away
like behind buildings, behind pillars, walls or away from public view. Beware
of obvious hiding places like shrubbery or overgrown trees.
Robbers like to have the element of surprise and no witnesses.

* If the lights around the ATM machine is not working, stay away, find another

* as stated earlier, avoid ATM machines next to obvious hiding places.

* Have your card ready and leave quickly, don’t count your cash in public.

* Beware of offers for help from strangers during an ATM transaction.

* Don’t fight with or attempt to follow the robber.

* Drive or walk to a safe place and immediately call the police!

Above all, it pays to know your surroundings and a little planning ahead can
make your night out more enjoyable.

Please remember, the above article are just tips to help keep you safer and make
you more aware of your surrounding.

Join us tomorrow for part 2.



PS…over 40 reports on personal safety and security can be found at including a
FREE report on ID Theft

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Saturday, October 04, 2008

New Personal Safety ebook Blog started

Hey Ya'll,

To coincide with, I have started a new blog.

This new blog will feature new security tips not found in the personal security ebook, and also some product reviews, and just some plain interesting tid bits of info.

So please visit, and visit often! :)



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Loss of sleep = weight gain?

Hey Ya'll,

Here is a new article I just found on loss of sleep. Enjoy & I hope it is helpful.

Loss of sleep, even for a few short hours during the night, can prompt one's immune system to turn against healthy tissue and organs.

Loss of sleep insidiously affects sustained attention, cognitive speed and accuracy, working memory, reaction time, and overall behavioral capability, often without the sleep-deprived person being aware of the deficits.

Loss of sleep also reduces levels of leptin, a hormone that suppresses appetite, and increases ghrelin (GRELL-in), an appetite-stimulating hormone in a combination that can encourage eating.

Loss of sleep can even be dangerous.

Insomnia was defined as having any one of the following symptoms: difficulty falling asleep, waking often during the night, waking up to early in the morning and being unable to go back to sleep, or even waking up in the morning feeling unrested.

Over half (58percent) of the poll respondents reported at least one symptom of insomnia on two or more nights of the week.

Sleep deprivation also results in the loss of sleep benefits for cognitive processes such as memory and insight formation: the building blocks of learning, creativity, and scientific discovery.

"It's the worry that gets you, not the loss of sleep"- Dale Carnegie.

Current research shows that loss of sleep is related to weight gain. Multiple studies show that chronic loss of sleep may increase the risk of obesity.

An estimated 40percent of Americans promise to lose weight in the New Year; however,almost 90 percent of those who responded to a nationwide survey reported either occasional or no success losing weight.

According to recent studies published in the Journal of the American Medical Association and the Lancet, sleep loss tends to increase hunger and affects the body's metabolism making it difficult to maintain weight loss or lose weight.

Restful sleep could be the missing ingredient in your weight loss program and the answer to losing the weight you want.

A good night's sleep, each and every night, can help you lose weight.

Health officials say that people should get around eight hours sleep per night for maximum effect.

In other words, sleep is vitally important to maintaining a healthy body.

America's sleep habits are simply not healthy.

Because, after all, if you're experiencing sleepless nights, you can't afford to spend hours crawling the Web and searching the health sections of bookshops for information on sleep treatments.

If you would like to sleep better, sleep without the aid of pills or drugs and wake up feeling refreshed and rejuvenated, then please visit:

To your health & a better night's sleep,

Thomas Sherwood

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Friday, October 03, 2008

stinkin' bailout

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