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Friday, February 29, 2008

Get Ready for St Patricks Day!

Hey ya'll,

Just want to prepare you for the up coming St Patricks Day weekend!

Partying at night is great, but somedays the next morning,(or afternoon) suck when you have a hangover!


Hair of the Dog Energy Drinks

The Hair of the Dog™ that bit you, you've heard of it; that simple phrase that describes the solution for your morning woes after you've had one too many drinks...Now Good Life brings new meaning to the phrase with an All Natural Alternative to feeling better in the morning. By making Good Life's Hair of the Dog™ the last drink of the night you can avoid the morning after affects from alcohol. If you forget to take it before going to bed, Hair of the Dog™ will "Take the Bite out of Last Nite"™

Click here learn more!

Pick up a case for you and your buddies now before you wake up and wish you had!


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Your Nightmare; Too Little Sleep?

Greatting ya'll,

Is your lack of sleep becoming your nightmare?

According to a recent article published today it may just be.

Check it out...

WASHINGTON - With late-night TV watching, Internet surfing and other distractions, Americans are getting less and less sleep, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said on Thursday......

The rest of the article maybe viewed here:

If this is the case for you, we have a very simple, natural and drug free solution for you.

The Sleep Secret ebook by Dr. David Tracy promises you a more restful sleep without the use of drugs or any side effects.

Sleepless nights causing you pain, discomfort? Are you tired of waking up tried? That is if you get sleep at all??

Eliminate your lack of sleep once and for all!

Please visit The Sleep Secret and discover the secret magical formula that will get you back to sleeping properly every night, or ANY time you need sleep!

I'm Trap & I'm out!

PS...that website once again is

Because....aren't you ready for a good night's sleep??

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Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Keep your Fork ;)

There was a young woman who had been diagnosed with a terminal illness and had been given three months to live.

So as she was getting her things 'in order,' she contacted her Pastor and had him come to her house to discuss certain aspects of her final wishes.

She told him which songs she wanted sung at the service, what scriptures she would like read, and what outfit she wanted to be buried in.

Everything was in order and the Pastor was preparing to leave when the young woman suddenly remembered something very important to her.

'There's one more thing,' she said excitedly. 'What's that?' came the Pastor's reply. 'This is very important,' the young woman continued. 'I want to be buried with a fork in my right hand.'

The Pastor stood looking at the young woman, not knowing g quite what to say.

That surprises you, doesn't it?' the young woman asked.

'Well, to be honest, I'm puzzled by the request,' said the Pastor.

The young woman explained. 'My grandmother once told me this story, and from that time on I have always tried to pass along its message to those I love and those who are in need of encouragement.

In all my years of attending socials and dinners, I always remember that when the dishes of the main course were being cleared, someone would inevitably lean over and say, 'Keep your fork.'

It was my favorite part because I knew that something better was velvety chocolate cake or deep-dish apple pie. Something wonderful, and with substance!'

So, I just want people to see me there in that casket with a fork in my hand and I want them to wonder 'What's with the fork?'

Then I want you to tell them: 'Keep your fork ..the best is yet to come.'

The Pastor's eyes welled up with tears of joy as he hugged the young woman good-bye.

He knew this would be one of the last times he would see her before her death. But he also knew that the young woman had a better grasp of heaven than he did. She had a better grasp of what heaven would be like than many people twice her age, with twice as much experience and knowledge.

She KNEW that something better was coming.

At the funeral people were walking by the young woman's casket and they saw the cloak she was wearing and the fork placed in her right hand.

Over and over, the Pastor heard the question, 'What's with the fork?' And over and over he smiled.

During his message, the Pastor told the people of the conversation he had with the young woman shortly before she died. He also told them about the fork and about what it symbolized to her.

He told the people how he could not stop thinking about the fork and told them that they probably would not be able to stop thinking about it either.

He was right.

So the next time you reach down for your fork let it remind you, ever so gently, that the best is yet to come.

Friends are a very rare jewel , indeed .

They make you smile and encourage you to succeed. Cherish the time you have, ..and the memories you share ... being friends with someone is not an opportunity but a sweet responsibility.

And, keep your fork:)

I'm Trap & I'm out

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Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Be a Tigger!

Just like the character in the Winne the Pooh story, be a Tigger!

Live life, Go for your Dreams! Don't let anything or even most importantly anyone stop you from trying to acheive your dreams.

Use whatever vehicle it may take to acheive your dreams.

There is a whole world out there, get out and expierence it! Life is way to short to sit around complaining. Yes, it is safer and easier, but at the end of the day where are you? Just the same place.

We have but a couple of days left in the month of Feburary. That means two months of 2008 have past already.

Are you doing anything to change your current position? Do you want to? What are your dreams, your desire??

GO FOR IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Some people may say I bounce from idea to idea. They are right. But, I have my dreams and the different vehicles I use and that I am creating will get me there.

Here are a couple of my projects I have been working on.

1- This is in the early stages of a self help site.

2- This site, I believe the title speaks for itself.

3- This site is going to be a improvement of with more info and an easier to remember name. :)

So you see, even though I have been promoting the Info Product Dashboard the past month or so, I am also a user and most importantly a believer in it!

So, what are your dreams for the rest of the year, and how and when are you going to start on them?

The clock is ticking on 2008! tick, tick, tick

I'm Trap & I'm out!

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Sunday, February 24, 2008


Commentary: An Open Letter to Code Pink

By Richard Lund

While the protest that you staged in front of my office on Wednesday, Sept. 26th, was an exercise of your constitutional rights, the messages that you left behind were insulting, untrue, and ultimately misdirected. Additionally, from the comments quoted in the Berkeley Daily Planet article, it is clear that you have no idea what it is that I do here. Given that I was unaware of your planned protest, I was unable to contest your claims in person, so I will therefore address them here.

First, a little bit about who I am: I am a Marine captain with over eight years of service as a commissioned officer. I flew transport helicopters for most of my time in the Marine Corps before requesting orders to come here. Currently, I am the officer selection officer for the northern Bay Area. My job is to recruit, interview, screen, and evaluate college students and college graduates that show an interest in becoming officers in the Marine Corps. Once they've committed to pursuing this program, I help them apply, and if selected, I help them prepare for the rigors of Officer Candidate School and for the challenges of life as a Marine officer. To be eligible for my programs, you have to be either a full-time college student or a college graduate. I don't pull anyone out of school, and high school students are not eligible.

I moved my office to Berkeley in December of last year. Previously, it was located in an old federal building in Alameda. That building was due to be torn down and I had to find a new location. I choose our new site because of its proximity to UC Berkeley and to the BART station. Most of the candidates in my program either go to Cal or to one of the schools in San Francisco, the East Bay, or the North Bay. Logistically, the Shattuck Square location was the most convenient for them.

Next, you claim that I lie. I have never, and will never, lie to any individual that shows an interest in my programs. I am upfront with everything that is involved at every step of the way and I go out of my way to ensure that they know what to expect when they apply. I tell them that this is not an easy path. I tell them that leading Marines requires a great deal of self-sacrifice. I tell them that, should they succeed in their quest to become a Marine officer, they will almost certainly go to Iraq. In the future, if you plan to attack my integrity, please have the courtesy to explain to me specifically the instances in which you think that I lied.

Next, scrawled across the doorway to my office, you wrote, 'Recruiters are Traitors.' Please explain this one. How exactly am I a traitor? Was I a traitor when I joined the Marine Corps all those years ago? Is every Marine, therefore, a traitor? Was I a traitor during my two stints in Iraq? Was I a traitor when I was delivering humanitarian aid to the victims of the tsunami in Sumatra? Or do you only consider me a traitor while I am on this job? The fact is, recruitment is and always has been a part of maintaining any military organization. In fact, recruitment is a necessity of any large organization. Large corporations have employees that recruit full-time. Even you, I'm sure, must expend some effort to recruit for Code Pink. So what, exactly, is it that makes me a traitor?

The fact is this: any independent nation must maintain a military (or be allied with those who do) to ensure the safety and security of its citizens. Regardless of what your opinions are of the current administration or the current conflict in Iraq, the U.S. military will be needed again in the future. If your counter-recruitment efforts are ultimately successful, who will defend us if we are directly attacked again as we were at Pearl Harbor? Who would respond if a future terrorist attack targets the Golden Gate Bridge, the BART system, or the UC Berkeley clock tower? And, to address the most hypocritical stance that your organization takes on its website, where would the peace keeping force come from that you advocate sending to Darfur?

Finally, I believe that your efforts in protesting my office are misdirected. I agree that your stated goals of peace and social justice are worthy ones. War is a terrible thing that should only be undertaken in the most dire, extreme, and necessary of circumstances. However, war is made by politicians. The conflict in Iraq was ordered by the president and authorized by Congress. They are the ones who have the power to change the policy in Iraq, not members of the military. We execute policy to the best of our ability and to the best of our human capacity. Protesting in front of my office may be an easy way to get your organization in the headlines of local papers, but it doesn't further any of your stated goals.

To conclude, I don't consider myself a 'recruiter.' I am a Marine who happens to be on recruiting duty. As such, I conduct myself in accordance with our core values of honor, courage, and commitment. I will never sacrifice my honor by lying to anyone that walks into my office. I will never forsake the courage that it takes to restrain myself in the face of insulting and libelous labels like liar and traitor. And, most importantly, I will never waver from my commitment to helping individuals who desire to serve their country as officers in the Marine Corps.

Captain Richard Lund is the U. S. Marine Corps' officer selection officer for the northern Bay Area.

What more is there to say?

Semper Fidelis in God and Country ,

I'm Trap & I'm out

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Wednesday, February 20, 2008

A Simple 6-Step Process For Creating Hot Product Ideas, Part 2

Hello again,

Yesterday we started part one of "6 simple steps for creating hot product idea"

In those steps we covered

Step One-Gather your raw materials and data for your idea generation

Step two- Review your S.E.T. trends

Step Three- Spend an hour or two reading over all your raw data ... the blog posts, ezine articles, magazine articles, forum posts, amazon book titles and S.E.T.factors.

Here are the last 3 steps, enjoy & prosper.......

Step four: Write out every possible product idea that the information triggers in your thoughts.

Don't edit. Just get it all out on paper.

(From Trapper; This step is HUGE! So many times I have had a quick thought and said to myself; "I'll write it down later", only to forget. Keep a simple note book close by you. You never know when that Million dollar idea will hit you)

Step five; Now go back to your ideas and look for your best 12 golden nuggets you can spin into full-blown product ideas for your survey.

Not sure how to do a 12 product survey?
How to steps are fully explained in the Info Product Dashboard

Step six: If you don't get 12 ideas, rinse and repeat on another day.

Maybe add one or two other people to your brainstorming session.

(From Trapper:) Sometimes a set of 2nd or 3rd eyeballs and ears can help you out. Maybe one of your friends has an idea they are wanting to expand and act on.

Most of all, relax, and have fun creating!

(From Trapper: I'm doing a brainstorming session Fri morning. I am excited what will come out of it!)

Sieze the day!

Trapper view the Info product dashboard Click here: InfoProducts Dashboard

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Tuesday, February 19, 2008

A Simple 6-Step Process For Creating Hot Product Ideas. Part 1

Hey Ya'll,

Thanks to Marlon Sanders for this lesson.

Why You Can't Create Ideas In A Vacuum and HowTo Get Unstuck and Make Those Juicy, Profitable ProductIdeas Flow Like Water From a Fire hose.....

Let's start......

As you know, unlike most other teachers of marketing, I teach and practice using a 12-product survey to select the winning product idea you create.

Now, the mechanics of how to do this are in the ProductDashboard. But today I want to focus on how you come up with 12 product ideas to begin with.

Step one: Gather raw materials for your idea generation

You can't create out of a vacuum. You need stimuli to jump start your creative juices. Here are a few ideas:

a. Surf your favorite topics on
What I've found is you'll typically come across books with great titles that no one knows about or aren't even in stock.

Make a list of any such hot titles that you find in your search.

b. Take a trip to the bookstore and buy magazines witharticles that have a relationship to your topic.

Even if your niche is very narrow, there are probably magazines you can find with articles related to your topic.

c. Try a search on

This is a spiffy online site that searches a large numberof newspapers and magazines.

Print out any articles that look interesting and are somehow related to your topic.

d. Keep a swipe file where you dump articles, notesor tidbits that have the essence of a good idea in them.

e. Search blog posts and ezine articles for juicy tidbits that grab your attention.

Search your topic on and print out any blog posts that look intriguing. Go to, search your topic and look for articles with great titles or meaty information inside. Print those puppies out.

f. Search and for pressreleases related to your topic or target audience.

Print 'em out and stick 'em in your swipe.

g. Look for forum posts with high numbers of views.

When you see forum posts with high readership numbers, print those out.

Step two: Review your S.E.T. trends

Last week I talked about identifying social, economic and technology changes.

Before you start your idea generation, review whatever you've come up with. And as you look through magazines, newspapers, articles, blogs and web sites, print out any new S.E.T. factors that come to your attention.

Drop these into a S.E.T. swipe or research file.

Step three: Spend an hour or two reading over all your raw data ... the blog posts, ezine articles, magazine articles, forum posts, amazon book titles and S.E.T.factors.

Let all those pieces of data collide in your little brain all at once.

NOW you have the makings of good ideas. You aren't creating from a vacuum. You are creating from the contiguous association of materials and ideas.

That is, you're mixing that information in your head all at once, letting your mental synapses fire, link upconnections and create ideas for you.

Ok...that's it for today. Tomorrow I will bring you steps 4-6 from Marlons article.


P.S... Do you want to know the mechanics of creating a 12 step product survey as mentioned?
Please visit to claim your own InfoProduct dashboard.

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Monday, February 18, 2008

E-Plex 2000 Security Solution

The E-Plex 2000. I just finished installing one of these locks. I f you or your company is looking for affordable access control, look no futher. The E-Plex 2000 is a pushbutton electrical lock that holds 100 combo changes, and you dont have to worry about losing keys! Talk about security! This is the real deal. Please contact or leave a comment if you would like some more info. Trap

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Friday, February 15, 2008

YOU have GOT to see this video!


As my friend Mike G says,

"To my knowledge Jodi Hans is the only man on the planet that's doing what he does so well on the net.

He has an amazing system and you've just got to see the video"...

This gentleman pulls in over $70,000 a month...

all he does is send out an incredible postcard using a very "Hypnotic" technique

View the video here and see for yourself all the details and proof.....


This postcard is awesome, and the great thing is... you can use his system too!

All the work is done for you.

The video expires in 24 hours so go see it now, here...



Only the first 250 people will be able to see what this 'hypnotic technique' truly is.

Best of luck and don't get left behind with this truly innovative system!

I'm Trap & I'm out!

Hurry and go here:

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Thursday, February 14, 2008

Hard, smart work is the key to be successful

Hey ya'll,

It's amazing to me how things just kind of happen. My brother once told me; "The harder you work, the luckier you get." It seems with him things just "fall" into his lap. You know the old saying, "come out smelling like a rose."

But I have to add this, because I didn't before. My brother is one of the hardest working guys I know. Things really do not just "Fall into his lap". He works his ASS off for everything he has. And because he works so hard, and is so smart, yes he does come out smelling like a rose. I am so damn proud of him. He truly is one of my inpirations.

Do you have a family member like that or someone you know that inspires you?

Well, if you have been reading these posts for the last month you will know I have become a HUGE fan of Info Products Creation. So, as I have been working hard on creating my own products, one thing just "fell into my lap."

Maybe my hard work has paid off & it's time for me to be the lucky one. You know, right place, right time....

How about you? Is it your turn now?

I am very, very excited about this opportunity, and wanted to let ya'll know about it.

I'm Trap & I'm out

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Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Ahhh, to be 6 again...‏

A man was sitting on the edge of the bed, observing his wife, looking at herself in the mirror. Since her birthday was not far off he asked what she'd like to have for her Birthday. 'I'd like to be six again', she replied, still looking in the mirror. On the morning of her Birthday, he arose early, made her a nice big bowl of Lucky Char ms, and then took her to Six Flags theme park. What a day! He put her on every ride in the park; the Death Slide, the Wall of Fear, the Screaming Monster Roller Coaster, everything there was. Five hours later they staggered out of the theme park. Her head was reeling and her stomach felt upside down. He then took her to a McDonald's where he ordered her a Happy Meal with extra fries an d a chocolate shake. Then it was off to a movie, popcorn, a soda pop, and her favorite candy, M&M's. What a fabulous adventure! Finally she wobbled home with her husband and collapsed into bed exhausted. He leaned over his wife with a big smile and lovingly asked, 'Well Dear, what was it like being six again??

Her eyes slowly opened and her expression suddenly changed. 'I meant my dress size, you dumb ass!'The moral of the story: Even when a man is listening, he's gonna get it wrong.

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Words of Wisdom

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the
things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So
throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch
the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."
-- Mark Twain

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a free video: Reality 101

Hey Ya'll,

Are you sick of all the puffed-up marketing hype running rampant on the Internet these days

... Then you have GOT to check out this free instructional video from online marketing genius, Derek Gehl:

Derek has accomplished what no other marketer has ever done.

..In just 30 minutes, he gives you the complete "3-D" snapshotof the steps you absolutely MUST take in order to build a REAL money-making online business.

Derek DOESN'T stoop to making false promises -- he simply cuts straight to the chase and tells it exactly how it is.

(And bursts a lot of "marketing hype" bubbles along the way!)

If you're tired of being bombarded by emails that promise to "revolutionize" online marketing with the "NEXT BIG THING!"...

... And you simply want to UNDERSTAND the "bare bones" essentials of building a successful online business once and for all...

(And save yourself $1000s by NOT getting sucked into buying over-hyped products that don't fit your current needs!)

... Then you need to watch this video NOW:

I guarantee it'll give you a better understanding of what you REALLY need to do to build a successful business that makes real money online!

All the best,

I'm Trap & I'm out!

P.S. This video is NOT for "magic bullet" seekers who are looking for a get-rich-scheme that'll make them millions overnight! Such a thing just doesn't exist... and in this video, Derek explains why:

P.P.S...This is another excellent Tool for your success toolkit!

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Monday, February 11, 2008

Information Product Creation

Thanks for watching,

I'm Trap & I'm out!

P.S... the website again to invest in your copy of the info product dashboard is

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Sunday, February 10, 2008

Home Security Tips Video

Saturday, February 09, 2008

Get Your Info Product Dashboard TODAY

Hey Ya'll,

Football season is OVER!

Baseball season doesn't start up for a few more months, and March madness is still a month away.

Looking to do something with your free time but not sure what??

Here's a HINT!

Get Your Info Product Dashboard TODAY!

Click Here-> Info product dashboard

It's the only step-by-step, A to Z system not JUST for creating info products .... but that shows you HOW to select product ideas using Marlon's "flanking move" He's built his business on, HOW to do 12-product surveys with an actual example, that gives you a tested, proven email & source with a 30% success rate in getting interviews with experts -- PLUS, templates that would cost your more than the Dashboard to have custom created!


Marlon is planning on doing another forum CHAT or a conference call shortly. Probably a forum chat. He wants you all to keep on keeping on and not get bogged down.

Thanks Marlon for the update!

I'm Trap & I'm out!

PS....Not an existing member yet???

Please take 5 minutes and check out the info product dashboard. It really is everything it says it is and MORE! Info Products Dashboard is an unadvertised bonus you won't find anywhere else!
(Thanks for the idea Santos)

If your order your copy of the info product dashboard from me, and only me, send me a copy of your receipt, I will send to you FREE a copy of Marlon Sanders ebook,"How I Sell Thousands of Products From Home Using the Net!"

This is a $20 dollar value. Yours to keep even in the unlikely event you want to return your copy of the info product dashboard.

How can you send your receipt to me? very simple, email me at
Please NO Spam Thank you very much :)

Thomas "Trapper" Sherwood is my name, and please put "info product receipt" in the subject line.

Order Now Info Product Dashboard

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Tuesday, February 05, 2008

How to select a Burglar Alarm

Hello friends,

Here is your February 2008 edition of Sherwood Locksmithing'sSecurity eZine.
This months Newsletter deals with Burglar Alarms.
As always, We hope you find the following article helpful.


Burglars dislike noise - it attracts attention. A barking dog is a good deterrent in preventing burglaries. However, never totally depend on a watch dog. Some professional burglars have been known to carry delectable "dog snacks" in their pockets and with a full stomach, some watch dogs make friends easily and forget their purpose of guarding the premises. The most reliable safeguard to protect your home and possessions is a reliable alarm.

Many types of burglar alarms can be obtained for residential use. It is advisable, however, that basic hardware security measures be followed first.

If additional security is desired, the following recommendations could be helpful:
1. Have a home demonstration with the alarm done in your home, not at their office.
2. An audible alarm is recommended over silent alarms for residential use in order to first - protect persons and secondly - property.


A. A battery-powered fail-safe backup.
B. A rearming capability and siren timer shut-off.
C. Read-out ability to check working system.
D. Siren sounding device that can be installed on exterior of home to alert neighbors of possible intrusion.

When shopping for an alarm system, please take this list with you.

If the value of small personal items warrants protection, a secondary barrier is an additional safeguard. On a hinging closet door, install a 1" deadbolt lock. Store your jewelry, furs, cameras, guns, silverware and other valuables behind this barrier. Be sure to "pin" the hinges and disguise the door as best as possible. ===============================================================
Get Rid of Those Sleepless Nights Once & For All With Additional Home Protection
Big Jammer-Big Jammer is a strong 20 gauge steel adjustable door brace that installs easily under a door knob and provides added security for home or business. Adjusts to fit most hinged doors. End caps can be removed to allow for use on sliding glass doors as well. Clean, baked enamel finish makes it attractive for in-house use

Window Alert-Mace Window Alert is a 95 decibel glass breakage alarm that attaches to windows and is set off by vibrations if someone tries to break through. Installs easily on any window. Solid, state-of-the-art design. Most of the time Batteries are included.

Slide Away Alarm-This compact, attractive alarm uses magnetic affinity to initiate its 110 decible siren. The base of the alarm is bolted to door or window frame, the actuator is connected to the window or door. The alarm is activated by opening the door or window. Great for any door or window, particularly those hard to protect sliding glass doors. It Requires 3 lithium button cell batteries and most of the time they should be included. ==================================================================
For any questions concerning the above article, please feel free to contact me.


Thomas "Trapper" Sherwood
I can be reached at:
615 355-5886
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Super Bowl Memory

Hey ya'll,

Here is a quick Post Super Bowl moment from Sunday night.

As I am driving through a Post Super Bowl Sobriety check point in a lovely Mid Tenn County, The Deputy approaches the car, asks how I am.

I reply fine, to which the deputy replies, "I am detecting the presence of Alcohol, have you been drinking tonight?"

To which I reply; "No, (I hadnt, I was the DD) but my buddy has."

At that point, my DRUNK, (but best friend in the world and shall remain nameless) snaps his head up, leans over and says, "That would be me" and immediately drops his head back in the famous "passed out in the passenger seat position" we all know and love.

Deputy thankfully has a sense of humor, chuckles, and send us on our way.

Pats may have lost, but I still have GREAT memories from that Super Bowl game.



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Monday, February 04, 2008

Creating YOUR Own Products and Improving your Future

How I've Created a Small Fortune With "Flanking" Info Products,How They Differ From What Almost Everybody Else Does, And HowYou Can Pocket Tidy Profits Year after Year With These Evergreen, Always Selling Profit Trees.

Subtitle: How To Create Blockbuster New Products That Cash In On The "Long Tail" And Dump Tons Of New Customers Into Your Marketing Funnel
By Marlon Sanders

There are normal products that are the bread and butterof a business.Then there are BLOCKBUSTER products that create businesses from scratch. These are the products that have the power to bring large numbers of new customers into your fold. I call them "New Blood" products because they bring new blood into your business. That's what your survival depends on. If you don't have a way to get new customers into your marketing funnel, you don't have a business.

Job #1 in business is to have a way to GET new customers. The key to that is the blockbuster product idea. I've been fortunate in my career to have a number of these products.

For example, "Amazing Formula" was and still is legendary and holds a strong place in Internet marketing history.

"Gimme My Money Now" largely created the whole mini-site craze.

"Push Button Letters" spawned a whole new generation of softwareprograms for creating sales letters.

"Design Dashboard" and "Product Dashboard" are my latest megahits. But that's me. Let's talk about YOU.

How do YOU create not just an ordinary info product, not just a regular info product, but a bonafide blockbuster that draws hundreds or thousands of new customers into your marketing funnel?

The secret of creating blockbuster products is to NOT do whateverybody else does! It's that simple.Everybody else copies successful products and knocks them off.That's the way to NOT have a blockbuster.

The Marlon Sanders tested, proven formula for creating blockbuster info products is 3-fold:

Step one: Create products are the first on the topic or angle I like how Michael Masterson calls this "one step removed." You don't wanna be so far out ahead of everybody that you get lost in the wilderness. You wanna be just one step ahead of the other products in the field.

Yet, it needs to be on a topic or angle no one else has covered yet. In "Red Factor," I called this the underserved market.In Guerilla Marketing terminology (a topic I covered when I spoke at Joel Comm's outstanding "Next Internet Millionaire" event), this is a "flanking" move.

That means you attack uncontested territory where there is little resistance. You don't battle leading products head on. You go where other people aren't.

One time I heard Billy Simms, the great runner for the DetroitLions, say that the secret to his success was running where the defense wasn't. That's flanking! Uncontested ground.

Step two: Create products that offer a big benefit If your product angle or idea has a benefit that isn't clearlydifferent from everything else, you'll be swimming in a sea of "me too" products.The blockbuster product has to escape the sea of sameness.

Step three: Create products that have undeniable PROOF ofvalueThat proof can be success stories or testimonials. It can be case studies.It can be a demonstration. But the breakthrough product needs PROOF that it delivers on the big benefit.

For "Amazing Formula," I had over 100 pages of testimonials I collected and published as the product sold. An idea I owe to Bob Serling.

"Design Dashboard" had my own web sites as proof as well as some strong success stories.

"Product Dashboard" had a long history of successful product launches as proof I knew how to create info products.

"Push Button Letters" had the benefit of fast results. You could get thet software, use it and get an immediate resultyourself, so there was no doubt about the product's value.

"Gimme My Money Now" was a contrarian product that went totally against the prevailing wisdom of the time (and still prevalent today) that you need to create web sites with content in orderto get traffic. Gimme was the first product to advocate the 2-page web site model.That was its uniqueness.

If you follow the 3 steps above, you'll create what I call "EvergreenProfit Trees" that bring in hoards of new customers into your marketing funnel AND grow profits for you year after year after year. Just by having them on your web site and leaving them there, you'll rake up those tidy little long tail profits. You can have a whole host of these money trees in your online catalog and make easy sales year after year after year.

If you find this topic interesting or fascinating, you can poston my blog about it at:

Marlon Sanders
Marlon Sanders is the author of "The Info Product Dashboard." If you want to create your own info products, go to:
Thanks for today article Marlon.


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Friday, February 01, 2008

Info-Product Quickstart Blog Bonus!


Great news!

You probably have read a couple of blog posts from me talking about the Info-Product dashboard, or maybe you have read some of the reviews.

How would you like to get the transcript for the Info-Product Dashboard Quickstart Call?

All you have to do is get your copy of the Info-ProductDashboard between February 1st to February 6th and you will automatically get access to the Quickstart transcript. And its not just part of the Call.

It's the transcribed version of the FULL 1 hour and 30 minute quick start call, that's 25 pages of information on how to determine your target market, what payment system to use, how to conduct your surveys, and many more.

Too good to be true?

Not at all!

Click the link below toget your copy:

For $79.95 USD, you get:

*The Info-Product Dashboard
*The Quickstart Call Transcript (Only Available When YouPurchase Between Feb 01,2008 to Feb 06, 2008

You also get 8 Bonuses along with the Dashboard:

*"Audio Set-Up for Recording" PDF Report
*"The email template that gets 30% response on interview requests"
*"Advanced Windows MovieMaker Tips and Tricks"
*"Video Tutorials on Mind Mapping"
* Access to the "Members-helping-members Forum"
* Access to Marlon's History Video
* Free MILCERS newsletter issue - "Create Your OwnProducts… ON THE CHEAP!"
* New Set of Chapter Templates!

February 6th is only a few days away.

One thing about Marlon is, if he says the offer expires; then the offer will expire.

So act now and get your copy.

Best wishes,

Trapper is Feb 1st 2008, 1/12 of 08 is already gone. If not now, when are you going to start
doing what you want to do, and succeed like you have dreamed. The info-product dashboard
is the perfect tool to make the rest of 08 GREAT for you!

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