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Thursday, January 31, 2008

How to Get Ideas For Your Own Products

How to Get Ideas For Your Own Products, by Marlon Sanders


This weekend I dropped by Circuit City to buy a couple electronic gizmos.
While there, I noticed they had these totally smoking hot new DVD RECORDERS.
You heard right. These puppies are not just players.

They record!

I felt this big rush of excitement as I thought,"Wow, this makes it brain dead simple to transfer some of my old VHS speeches to DVD. Not to mention the ability to record TV programs straight to DVD.

"What's more, I can plug my video camera right into the front of it using the i-link (firewire) thingy and record video straight to DVD.

How handy.

So I whipped out my debit card and snagged myself one of 'em.

....When I got home, the fun began.

I hooked it up. Pushed record and...


All I got was an error message saying I had to take the DVD through set up.
I tried and tried. Couldn't do it. To say it wasn't "intuitive" would be an understatement.
I took a break. Got frustrated. Decided to read the stupid manual.

Of course, I have a cable box. And NONE of the hook up instructions covered how to hook it up if you had cable.


So I go back to the store I bought it from and asked for instructions. I bought a bunch more cords ands tuff. Hooked it up like the guy at the store said.


So I actually went to a DIFFERENT store and bought another one, planning on returning the first one.The second one had the same exact idiot set upscreen and manual as the first one.
Different product. Same manual!

Geez Louise.

Now, I'm already missin' more hair in the middle of my head than I'd quite honestly prefer. ButI'm pretty sure now I'm missing even more.

'Cause I started pulling it out!

Well, it still doesn't work.

Why am I telling you this story? Because I went to the bookstore and bought a book about hooking up this kind of stuff. Didn't solve my problem.

But what it shows is that when people have a problem causing them aggravation, they'll pay to fix it. And every aggravation you have is an opportunity to make money by selling something that fixes the aggravation.

The other thing I can tell you is that there are only three basic things we sell: Time, money and energy.

Whatever you sell either saves people time, moneyor energy (for example, eliminating frustration).Or it helps the person have more of thoses things in some way or the other.

The next time you are about to pull your hairout, here's what I want you to think, "Someone is going to make a fortune by solving this problem."

And sooner or later maybe a problem will come along where YOU decide to be the one who solves it and makes a fortune doing so.

THAT is how you get great ideas for your own products.

Best wishes,
Marlon Sanders

P.S. If you want to get a great deal of insight into creating and selling your own problem-solving info product, I have an inexpensive"gets-you-started" intro crash courses at:

Thanks Marlon,

I'm Trap & I'm out!

P.S. If you are ready to start createing your own info products, check out:

It will be worth it, trust me. In the less than the one month since I have owned this product, I have 3, yes 3 Major Projects I am working on and planning to unviel by June 1st! Take a moment and think what you could do with this product & YOUR Ideas!

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Wednesday, January 30, 2008

FREE Marketing Resource for you

My "New" Free Secret Resource.

And it can be yours too :)

Hey Ya'll,

If you are looking for a market place for your ideas,videos, audio programs, or ebooks, or just yourself or business, let me introduce you to FreeIQ. This community type site is like YouTube meets MySpace, but on STEROIDS for your business!

First of all, it's FREE to join. You have unlimited space to upload videos, audio and ebooks. What else is great about this site is that it has can handle payments for any products you may want to sell. Plus it has a built in affilate program, so you can have other members promoting your products also! How cool is that!

Does it work you may ask.


From personal experience I posted a good, high quality content ebook. Within two weeks, I have achieved a number Three ranking in google search for that product.

Number Three! Incredible!

I literally jumped out of my chair when I saw that! I called up a buddy to tell him the good news, (He's a computer programmer) and it blew him away!

Here's the reason I believe. With so much good, high quality content being posted, google is indexing this site probably every few hours. As you post your content,whether it be a free product, or a product for sale,Google is indexing your info, automatically! Bringing traffic to you and your product.

Another cool thing is that for every product you upload, you get a url for that product. That means you can promote your product using that specific url.

Anyways, I for one am sold on this site, I find myself spending a lot of time on there visiting other members pages and seeing what great content that have uploaded.

Please, do yourself a favor and check it out.
The site is

This is a marketing resource you should have in your arsenal, and one that you should use often.

I'm Trap & I'm out

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Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Home Security Quiz; Audio Version

Hey Ya'll,

If this New Year has kept you busy like myself, you might not have had time to download and read the Home Security Quiz that we have developed.

If this is the case for you, Great News has arrived! You can now listen to it online! You won't even have to download it! (Of course if you want to download it and save to your hard drive or burn it to a CD you can. ) Just click and play!

Just click on this link:

And you will be listening to how you can improve the security of your home.

Some of the topics discussed:

* Planting specific shrubs for your security.

* Locks that don't need keys for your children coming home from school.

* Interior lighting tips

* Bump Keys and more

So, please take a few moments, visit and click:

And start improving the security of your home for your families safety.

I'm Trap & I'm out

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Sunday, January 27, 2008

How To Make It Through The Night Of Uncertainty

How To Make It Through The Night Of Uncertainty -- Those Times When It Isn't Working, When You Doubt Yourself, WhenYou Wonder If It'll Ever Come Together For You.

A message of encouragement if you feel uncertain, doubt if what you're doing will be successful or sometimes feel like you're on the wrong track

By Marlon Sanders


Marlon here.

If you're tired of having smoke blown at, through, under and up every part of your clothing and anatomy, then maybe this article will be refreshing to you.

I'd like to talk to you about what I call..."The Night Of Uncertainty" When you go to learn Internet marketing, you experience a variety of times and days.

What I mean is, you have those moments where the sun is shining. Everything looks like it's working. Everything is all hunky dory, as we'd say in the state of Oklahama where I'm from. You wake up. The light seems brighter. There's a bounce in your step. It's all good.

But life has its ups and downs and so does marketing.There's also this period you go through at times where what you thought was working isn't. Where you're going through a learning curve. You put in time and effort and do NOT get the payoff. Most people quit at that point.

It's the "night time" of marketing. And night precedes day. Before things work, they don't work. It's all part of the learning curve. And the hardest thing about it is during the night, you doubt yourself and what you're doing. You doubt if it'll ever work. You doubt if your time, money and effort are well invested or not.

It's one of the reasons I teach and preach to spend a big chunk of your time, money and energy learning marketing methods that will benefit you in ALL of life, and not just in an Internet business.

It's hard to make it through the nights of business. Everything seems black. What you thought was working isn't. You've expended all this effort and the payoff didn't come.

The doubt. The indecision. The hurt. The pain.

The only thing you have to go on is your hope and your belief. Sure, there are the successes of others. But there's always a reason those don't apply to you.

So in the nights of business, you're often there alone.

Anthony Robbins said with great eloquence that life is an interaction between pain and pleasure. People will do more to avoid pain than to gain pleasure.

So the trick is to make it through the nights of business, so your days can out number your nights.

I've been lucky in business. Because I've had a lot more days than nights.

But here are some tips on how to get through the night and make it to the morning.

Tip 1: Keep stacking your know how
The first thing you do is keep stacking your know how. There's a price tag on success. And in today's world, a significant chunk of that price tag is information.

Tip 2: Stop weeping over the know how you bought that didn't help
Not all know how you purchase will help you. I probably buy 10 things to find 1 that really helps me. Yes, sometimes that isn't cheap.But it's a lot cheaper than the school of hard knocks.

Tip 3: Have a propensity for taking action and turning know how into skill Knowing HOW to do something has no value if you don't practice.You have to put your know how into action. That is how you turn know how into skill. You best learn what you DO and mess up on. You can read theory all day. Anyone can be a keyboard jockey on an Internet marketing forum and have all the right answers. But the Game is played in the streets of experience. And you learn best by doing. Then, when something doesn't work, you go back to your info products, back to your ebooks, back to your forums and find out why. Then you go DO again.

Tip 4: When the chips are down, find your sticking point and blast through it.
A lot of times it's just practice. It's a learning curve. You simply need more reps, more repetition, to increase your skill level. Your SP (sticking point) may be that you don't feel confident enough to create your own info product. Or you aren't comfortable doing 12-product surveys. Or you can't come up with product ideas. Or you don't know how to position products. Whatever your SP is, FOCUS on that and get through it and over it, even if you muck up everything else in the time being.

Tip 5: Keep adding action to your know how
You want to increase your know how. And you want to increase the percent of your know how you turn into action. Look at it this way: You are building your ARSENAL. If you aren't winning the battle, you need more weapons in your arsenal deployed into the field. Add more know how, more weapons. Deploy more weapons into the field, into action.

Tip 6: In any system, there is only ONE weakest link.
Find your weakest link and bolster it. I've known great triumphs in business. I've traveled the world. I've met the most amazing, incredible, wonderful people. I legitimately work less than just about anyone in this business(with the help of talented team members over the years.) I've also had a few nights that were hard to get through. I mean nights that were long and painful. When I barely had a penny to my name. And when I hardly knew enough to know what it was I didn't know.

I remember when I thought, "How could anyone DARE charge $100 for an info product?" ...

Because I never could envision myself having $100 to buy it.

In the "nights of uncertainty" it seems like you have learned and worked, done and applied, and you STILL aren't getting the results you want. You wonder if maybe somehow it just won't work for YOU.

You wonder if maybe the "other people" are somehow special and have a magical wand you don't possess. You blame yourself. You feel angry at yourself. You feel hurt. You feel disappointed.

I've been there. I've felt the bitter sting of hopes and dreams that seemed like a rainbow I'd never touch. I've broken more things in my life than I've fixed. More things have NOT worked than have worked.

That's called the "night of uncertainty." It's part of life and business.

And you wanna know what? Anyone who has made it over a long periodof time in business will tell you the same. And anyone who doesn't either isn't being honest or hasn't tried many things.

You always hear about the days. You seldom hear about the nights. They aren't sexy. They aren't fun. They aren't enjoyable to talk about.

But life is a combination of pain and pleasure. I'm NOT here to pull the wool over your eyes. Or pretend it's all fun and games.

What I CAN tell you is if you follow my 6 steps above, you'll makeit through the nights of business and the sun will rise again.

The answer is really simple: You gotta get BETTER at your Game. That's it. That's the miraculous answer.

You gotta get BETTER at knowing how to target an audience, come up with product ideas, do 12-product surveys, create infoproducts, do upsells, do back ends, pimp your affiliate program.

If you compare YOUR Game to the Game of highly successful people,you'll find out their Game is better. They have more tools in their woodshed. They have more know how. They execute better.

The answer is to keep getting know how and keep applying it. Keep adding tools. Keep sharpening your weapons.

And somewhere along the way, you WILL get lucky. Luck is when opportunity meets preparation.

Marlon Sanders
Marlon Sanders is the author of "The Info Product Dashboard."

If you want to create your own info products, go to:

Thanks Marlon,

I'm Trap & I'm out!

PS...enjoy your Sunday!

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Saturday, January 26, 2008

Thank you & a FREE Gift

Hey Ya'll,

I want to say "Thank You" ! To each and everyone of you that responded to my blog for help with an audio project the other day.

One of the book that has really helped me and literally change the way I think is "The Law of Attraction"

As a thank you for wanting to help me please visit : to download your FREE copy.

Have a great weekend, and enjoy the book!


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Thursday, January 24, 2008

I need help with an audio project

Hey Ya'll,

I need your help. I am looking for a person that would like to help me in a project I am working on. I need someone that would like to help me turn two books that I have into audio recordings.
If you want to help, or know of someone, please respond & let me know how we can get in contact with each other.

Thanks in advance everybody!


PS....and yes, this is a project that I can attribute to arising from using the Info-Product dashboard.

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Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Info Product Dashboard (By Marlon Sanders). A Review

Info Product Dashboard (By Marlon Sanders). A Review
Submitted By: Elisabeth Kuhn

I got my copy of Marlon Sanders' Info Product Dashboard just a few days ago, and this was my reaction after giving it the first close look-over:

Wow! All the fancy techniques that I've seen other people use and that made me think, "Sheesh! I sure would like to be able to do that!" They're all there! Just to give you an example: instructions on how to put little musical intros at the beginning of my audio products. It's all part of the dashboard's easy-to-follow step-by-step format.

The info product dashboard divides the product creation process into 6 weeks with 6 (daily) steps each. Most of the resources needed to complete them are either free or actually included as bonuses with the dashboard purchase.

Each week also has a brief audio overview by Marlon himself, where he explains the six upcoming steps. I listened to all 6 of the weekly previews immediately, so I have a pretty good idea what I'll be able to do once I've completed the process.

The descriptions are nicely detailed and clear, so I’m finding it all very doable. Besides, Marlon's tech support is friendly and helpful, just in case I (or anyone else) should ever get stumped! Not only that, but there is even a discussion forum where all the new dashboard owners can ask questions that are then answered. Pretty cool!

The only drawback, if it can even be called that -- the first go-around is going to take me quite a bit longer than 30 minutes per step, at least for some of the steps. I'm still working on step one (and two), and some steps will definitely take WAY longer than 30 minutes.

Does Marlon really think we can pinpoint a suitable market and come up with a targeted product for it in 30 minutes? Does he really think we can find, and contact several potential JV partners in 30 minutes, oh, and negotiate a deal with them, all in the same time-frame? He’s gotta be kidding! Actually, he does admit that a few steps will take longer...

But once accomplished, those same steps will provide contacts and material for many different future products, so I guess I'll just have to divide the time investment by all the products that I'll eventually develop from those efforts.

Some of the other steps are going to be faster, and occasionally even skippable (such as when they're not applicable, i.e., no video required for an audio product OR if I've already taken care of something, i.e., choose host and/or domain name etc.), so it will even out, especially over time.
Plus, with the second and third and fourth etc. product, the process will get faster and faster!

So just in case it isn’t obvious by now, I'm very happy with my new dashboard! And, by the way, if you think it’s just for newbies, you may want to reconsider. Yes, the dashboard is easy to follow, and yes, the steps are well explained, so yes, it is an excellent tool for newbies.

But it also offers some very sophisticated techniques, and unless you’re a very experienced marketer, you’re likely to find at least something useful here, certainly enough to make the investment worth your while.

How would I know that? I already own several product-creation programs, and Marlon's offers tools that I haven’t found in any of the others.

Maybe some marketers are keeping the really good stuff to themselves. No matter. Marlon’s Info Product Dashboard is by far the most comprehensive system I’ve come across yet (which is what Marlon said he had in mind when he created it. From everything I've seen, he succeeded)!
Even better, his Info Product Dashboard is priced extremely competitively when compared to most and maybe even all the other even remotely as comprehensive options out there.

I will provide regular progress reports as I work with my new dashboard, so if you’re curious and want to know how I'll do once I’ll hit the more technically challenging spots, just check my favorite self-help blog for updates... and stay tuned for my soon-to-appear newly created info products.

About the Author:Elisabeth's blog offers resources for body, mind, spirit, and prosperity. Come visit soon and get a free ebook for signing up for my e-tips.

Read more articles by: Elisabeth Kuhn Article Source: Permanent Link: Article published on December 09, 2007 at Be sure to check out Marlon's info product dashboard as well at

Thanks for reading,

I'm Trap & I'm out.

PS...for more info of your own copy of the Info-Product dashboard, please visit: Make 08 Great, start trading YOUR products for dollars!

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Monday, January 21, 2008

Dating Thoughts: Age in Dating

Hey ya'll,

Some dating thoughts.

I really don't think age is such a big deal in dating. I believe what matters is how the two people in question get along. Do they mesh well together, laugh, joke have fun. Can they discuss differant topics together. Do they have good communication? And most important, do they respect each others space and not crowd it.

It really is no big deal. Society puts more pressure on the younger/older thing than there really needs to be. Why is it hard for people to understand that in some relationships there maybe an age gap. Big deal. Concerning my happiness, why do I care or why would you care what someone else thought about the age difference. If you two are happy, go for it!

Don't listen to them Follow your heart and your gut feeling.

Short post, but just something that has been on my mind. What are your thoughts??

I'm Trap & I'm out!

PS....of course I am referring to adult ages here; over the legal age of 18. :)

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Sunday, January 20, 2008

Marlon Sanders' Info-Product Dashboard Review

Hey Ya'll,

I know I have posted a couple of articles about Marlon Sanders
Info-Product Dashboard recently. Well, I did some more research,
and I want to share with you some reviews about the product.

Today's review is by Titus Hoskins

Marlon Sanders' Info-Product Dashboard (Marketing Product Review)
Copyright © 2007 Titus Hoskins

Info-Product Dashboard is the latest marketing product
released by well-known online marketer Marlon Sanders.
It's an easy "Point n Click" system of producing your
info product in as little as 6 weeks, faster if you
already know your way around the Internet marketing arena.

Once you purchase Marlon's Info-Product Dashboard you
are given access to the online site where you can
use the Dashboard and download all the related files
and information. Each week has 6 steps and there is
an Audio Overview for each week. You also get some
bonuses such as access to an online forum, a PDF
guide on how to set-up audio recordings and MovieMaker
Tips and Tricks.

At first glance, the Info-Product Dashboard looks
deceptively simple but there's a wealth of information
as you click on each item. Valuable information and
knowledge that comes from a successful marketer such
as Marlon Sanders, who has produced some best-selling
info products... Amazing Formula, Design Dashboard, Cash
Like Clockwork to mention just a few.

In this newest product, following each step will give
you a sound foundation for creating your own information
product. It will start you from the very beginning with
help on finding your topic or targeted market for your
info product to guiding you through the steps for creating
your actual product and then through all the steps to
getting your product up and running on the web or in
the marketplace.

Perhaps one of its strongest drawing cards is the
simple "Point n Click" Dashboard system Marlon is
using here. This product is easy to access and very
easy to absorb in neat little modules... which can
be quickly accessed as you go along or as you need

Plus, you are getting sound marketing advice from
someone who knows his stuff. This sound advice will
get you started on the right track and will help you
avoid certain pitfalls.

I found the material very useful, even though it is
geared to the newbie or beginning marketer, it
proved helpful even to someone like myself who has
more then a few marketing years under their belts.
No doubt the newbie or beginning marketer is the
intended or targeted market here since most seasoned
pros would probably know most of this material
already. However, I did find a few tidbits of
information and resources that will save me a lot
of time in the coming years.

If you ever wanted to create your own info-product
then Marlon Sanders' Dashboard will make your job
a little easier. It will point you in the right
direction and give you all the processes you have
to do to accomplish your task.

However, don't make the mistake that this product will
actually write your info-product for you - it won't.
Actually it is geared more to the audio/video product
line rather than an ebook format, which is probably
more beneficial in the long term because most marketing
products these days are now released in the more popular
video/audio format.

Even when using video or audio you still have to do
a lot of hard work yourself, but the Info-product
Dashboard will give you all the directions and guidance
you need to make that work possible. Just don't expect
to buy this product and have your own info-product
created by tomorrow. It does take time to produce
a high quality professional product that people
will put down their hard earned cash to buy.

Keep in mind, depending on your own resources you
have available, you might even have to purchase
other programs or materials such as graphics, web
design, transcribing services... to get your
info product off the ground. It should also be
mentioned that Marlon does a good job of pointing
you to many free programs and sites that will do
many of the tasks mentioned in the Dashboard.

Overall, Marlon Sanders' Info-Product Dashboard
is a great "Point n Click" system for acquiring
all the knowledge and steps you need to produce
your own professional info product. If you ever
wanted to join and take advantage of the vast
online marketplace with a product of your own,
then this Info-Product Dashboard was especially
designed for you.

The author is a full-time online marketer who has numerous websites,
including two sites on Internet marketing. For the latest and most
effective web marketing tools try: Marketing Tools
or why not try these excellent free training manuals and videos:
Internet Marketing Tools
Copyright © 2007 Titus Hoskins. This article may be freely distributed
if this resource box stays attached.

Thanks for reading.

I'm Trap & I'm out.

PS....if you are interested in learning more about the Info-Product
Dashboard, and what it can do for you, please visit:

PPS...if you have read this far, you must be interested. Please do
yourself a favor and visit:
Make 08 Great, start trading YOUR products for dollars!

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Thursday, January 17, 2008

Making it happen; Trading products for dollars

Hey Ya'll,

I just wanted to let you know that Marlon Sanders has put together a video about one of his hottest and newest products that I’ve got to tell you about right away!

If you are sick and tired of trading time for dollars, and want to finally create your own products; this one is for you! Marlon has put together the first ever point and click, step by step info product creation dashboard. He already included 4 bonuses with the dashboard, and is planning to add more.

I’ve convinced Marlon to not to take down the bonuses so that I can share this with all of you. But you better act now; these bonuses may not be around any longer.

For more information and full details, go to:

Best Wishes,

Trapper's what I'm using to develope new website this year!

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Sunday, January 13, 2008

Flip Flop wearers...Beware!

Sandals from Wal-mart

This is true. You can check it out at snopes. The link to snopes is at the bottom of this e-mail
Chinese Thongs sandals sold at Walmart!!!.DO NOT BUY

These sandals can be fatal.


This is very true I heard it in news from one of our local radios here that our govt has to be extra careful on these cheap imports from China especially clothes because the Chinese are using some strong but cheap chemical in their manufactures. Cheap is expensive and at the same time fatal.


I'm Trap & I'm out!

PS....This is true,
Check it out at

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Wednesday, January 09, 2008


Greetings Friends,

Here is your January 2008 edition of Sherwood Locksmithing's Security eZine. We look forward to delivering you information monthly on Security issues.

This months Newsletter deals with the Security of your windows. We hope you find the following article helpful.
Many burglars enter homes by simply breaking glass windows. A good deterrent is to have better Quality glass installed at vulnerable points around the perimeter of your residence. Most burglars avoid attempting to break the following types of glass due to the fear of attracting attention.

LAMINATED GLASS is made by a vinyl or plastic interlayer sandwiched between two layers of glass. This type of glass adds additional strength to your windows. To gain entry, a burglar would have to Strike the glass repeatedly in the same spot in order to make a small opening. Most burglars are reluctant to create this type of noise for fear of being detected.

TEMPERED GLASS is made by placing a piece of regular glass in an oven, bringing it almost to the melting point, and then chilling it rapidly. This causes a skin to form around the glass. Fully tempered glass is four to five times stronger than regular glass.

WIRED GLASS adds the benefit of a visible deterrent. Extra effort will be needed to break the glass and then cut through the wire located within the glass, in order to gain entry.

PLASTICS: Plastic material is divided into two types: acrylic or polycarbonate. The acrylics are more than ten times stronger than glass of the same thickness and are commonly called plexiglass.

Polycarbonate sheets are superior to acrylics and are advertised as 250 times more impact resistant than safety glass, and 20 times more than other transparent plastic.
With SLIDING WINDOWS the primary object is to keep the window from sliding or being lifted up and out of the track. There are many manufactured products available for securing windows. Here are some suggestions:

PINNED WINDOW ANTI-SLIDE BLOCK SLIDEBOLT: It is not recommended that you lock a window in a ventilating position. This is an invitation to a prying action which can result in entry. Key locking devices offer no real security, and they can be a fire exit hazard.

CASEMENT WINDOWS are the simplest to secure. Make sure the latch works properly and that the "operator" has no excess play. If so, replace the worn hardware.

DOUBLE HUNG WINDOWS latches may be jimmied open. If a window is not used, screw it shut (except bedrooms). For windows in use, drill a sloping hole into the top of the bottom window, through and into the bottom of the top window, and insert an easily removable pin or nail.

LOUVRE WINDOWS are bad security risks. Remove and replace with solid glass or other type of ventilating window. Or protect with a grate or grille (except bedrooms).

At night, a bedroom window may often be the quickest and safest means of getting out. Because of the danger of fire, decorative grilles are not recommended on bedroom windows. ===============================================================

Sincerely, Thomas "Trapper" Sherwood
Call Us with any questions you may have. 615 345-6169
Put your e-mail chores... your promotions... your customer service... your newsletter... your database clean up... plus much more... on AUTOPILOT today!
To learn more about how YOU can do this, go to:

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Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Trading Products for Dollars in 2008

How To Have An Amazing 2008 By Trading Products For Dollars,Even If You're Filled With Doubt, Fear, Or Uncertainty andCreating Your Own Product Feels Like Pulling Teeth.

How to Get It Done Even Though You Don't Know If You're Doing It Right. Even Though You Might Be Making Mistakes. Even Though You Are Following a Less Than Optimal Process.

By Marlon Sanders
I'll never forget writing my first newsletter.

It took forever.

I never dreamed I'd be able to do one monthly.

The first time you do anything, it's like pulling teeth. Sometimes you sweat bullets. You feel like you'll neverget it done. You make lots of mistakes. You feel uncertainabout every little detail.

This is what STOPS most people from HAVING their own infoproducts. They let doubt, fear, indecision, and uncertaintystop them from getting it done.

Yet, this IS the path to having a great 2008. Finding a wayto get it done anyway. Because it DOES get easier. It really does.

By the end of 2008, you will either be trading your own personal time for dollars. Or you will have a product of your own that you can trade for dollars.

Once you learn the process, you can bang out new products in aweek or two. Maybe even less. But to get to that point, you have to do it 3, 4 or 5 times. And the first few times will be tough. Hard. Almost like pulling teeth.

That's life. It's called a "barrier to entry." It's what STOPS people from doing it. Which is a good thing. Because if everyone did it, the opportunity would be greatly reduced as I explained in Red Factor.

What I CAN tell you is it gets easier.

The first newsletter I wrote took almost a month. The second one took something like two weeks of sheer agony. The third took a little less time.

Soon it was a week, then three days. Then a day or less.

Don't get me wrong. I still find those four to eight hours difficult and even agonizing at times. But at least thosefeelings only occur over four or eight hours and not a month!

My first products sucked. They took forever and weren't easy. I made a bonus video where I showed a few of my first info products.

One was a booklet on "How to Avoid TV Repair Ripoff." I spent six months or so working on it as I recall. Whew!

Here's something I want you to understand: You WILL feelUNCERTAIN when you do your first anything. You won't have all the answers.

The people who make it plow THROUGH uncertainty and do it anyway. Others let it stop them.

Now, my Product Dashboard is an uncertainty reduction process. I try to remove a LOT of the uncertainty. But you can't totally eliminate it. You have to plow through it and get things done anyway -- even though you are uncertain. Even though you're unsure. Even though you don't know if you're doing it right.Even though you might be making mistakes. Even though you are following a less than optimal process.

You do it anyway.

It gets faster. It gets easier. It gets simpler. It becomesless painful. It can even become fun. Although I can't sayI'm at that point. I don't wake up in the morning and go,"Oh boy, instead of shopping today (like I do almost everyday) I'm gonna create a product!"

I don't do that.

I'd rather be shopping. Rather be at a coffee shop or bookstore.

But the whole process DOES get easier and simpler.

What's more -- is SURE beats working 8 hours a day at a J-O-B.

You work once on a product and get paid over and over and over on it. Instead of working 8 hours and getting paid for 8 hours.

What I offer you is an uncertainty reduction process called"The Product Dashboard." It helps but doesn't totally eliminate the fear of screwing up, fear of making mistakes, fear of feeling or looking stupid.

THOSE are the reasons most people don't have info products.

THOSE are the emotions and feelings you have to overcome.

If you're really struggling with that, if you're the kind of person who knows WHAT to do and HOW to do it but you don'tjust DO IT, then I highly recommend Anthony Robbin's 30-DayPersonal Power Program.

Yeah, that's the one. The one he used to pitch on late night TV. You can even buy it on Ebay.

It will give you that kick in the tail end you need to get it going. I highly, highly recommend it.

Why? Because at the end of the day you either trade your time for dollars or products for dollars.

And trading products for dollars is a lot better choice.

Marlon Sanders
Marlon Sanders is the author of "The Amazing Formula ThatSells Products Like Crazy." If you'd like to get on hismailing list and receive tips, articles and informationabout online marketing, visit:

Thanks Marlon,

I'm Trap & I'm out.

PS. If your tired and worn out and would like to experience a good night's sleep, please visit us at: and discover the secret magical formula to waking up refresh.

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Monday, January 07, 2008

10 Tips to a better night's sleep

These 10 tips and more can be found at

Thanks for watching,


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Sunday, January 06, 2008

Who said this? A little history lesson

This is a little history lesson. If you don't know the answer, make your best guess. Don't cheat - answer all the questions before looking at the answers.

Who said it?

1) "We're going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good."
A. Karl Marx
B. Adolph Hitler
C. Joseph Stalin
D. None of the above

2) "It's time for a new beginning, for an end to government of the few, by the few, and for the few...... And to replace it with shared responsibility for shared prosperity."
A. Lenin
B. Mussolini
C. Idi Amin
D. None of the Above

3) "(We) ...can't just let business as usual go on, and that means something has to be taken away from some people."
A. Nikita Khrushev
B. Josef Goebbels
C. Boris Yeltsin
D. None of the above

4) "We have to build a political consensus and that requires people to give up a little bit of their own ... in order to create this common ground."
A. Mao Tse Dung
B. Hugo Chavez
C. Kim Jong II
D. None of the above

5) "I certainly think the free-market has failed."
A. Karl Marx
B. Lenin
C. Molotov
D. None of the above

6) "I think it's time to send a clear message to what has become the most profitable sector in (the) entire economy that they are being watched."
A. Pinochet
B. Milosevic
C. Saddam Hussein
D. None of the above

Look below for the answers


(1) D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 6/29/2004

(2) D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 5/29/2007

(3) D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 6/4/2007

(4) D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 6/4/2007

(5) D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 6/4/2007

(6) D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 9/2/2005

Be afraid, Be very afraid!

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Saturday, January 05, 2008

Overcome Stress & Anxiety

More than ever, scientific research is confirming the fundamental responsibility stress can play in causing and aggravating different physical and emotional disorders. In the June 6, 1983 issue of Time Magazine, the cover story labeled stress, "The Epidemic of the Eighties." It also said that stress is our leading health problem. And there is no doubt whatsoever that the world has become even more complicated and stressful in the past twenty-five years since that article was written.

Many surveys indicate that most adults perceive themselves to be under a great deal of stress. Authorities in the field estimate that 75 - 90 percent of all visits to primary care physicians are for stress related problems.

Most adults report that their job is the major cause of their stress. And stress levels have also increased in children as well as the elderly population for reasons including: Peer pressures that often lead to everything from cigarette smoking to drug and alcohol abuse; the wearing away of family and religious values and ties; increased crime; threats to personal safety; and last but not least social isolation and loneliness.

Stress contributes to diabetes, ulcers, low back and neck pain, hypertension, strokes, heart attacks, and ulcers. This is because of the increased sympathetic nervous system activity and a flood of cortisol, adrenaline, and other hormones. Chronic stress has been associated with impaired immune system resistance. Stress can contribute to anxiety, depression, and its varied effects on the body's organs.

The American Heritage Dictionary defines "stress" as follows:
"To subject to physical or mental pressure, tension, or strain"

It defines "tension" as follows:
"Mental, emotional, or nervous strain"

It defines "anxiety" as follows:
"A state of uneasiness and apprehension, as about future uncertainties"

And it defines "depression" as follows:
"The condition of feeling sad or despondent"

It defines "clinical depression" as follows:
"A psychiatric disorder characterized by an inability to concentrate, insomnia, loss of appetite, anhedonia, feelings of extreme sadness, guilt, helplessness and hopelessness, and thoughts of death."

One thing is for sure; our thoughts can be the chief source of our feelings of stress, anxiety and depression. In other words, what we think about, and our attitudes and points of view about our experiences create our feelings. So if we can learn to change our thoughts, attitudes, and points of view, then we can eliminate our feelings of stress, anxiety, and depression and replace them with a more positive state of being.

Since the beginning of time, people have sought out methods for releasing stress. The pharmaceutical industry seems to have a pill for everything. And to that end the industry has developed a wide array of tranquilizers from Valium to Xanax. If you choose to utilize drugs for relief, please be sure to read the fine print and learn about the side effects, which often include addiction and dependency. Unfortunately, these types of drugs attempt to treat the symptoms, rather than the cause. So as soon as one stops ingesting them, the symptoms can return.

A more intelligent way of eliminating tension, stress, anxiety, and depression is to work on the root cause, which as I said above, is usually our thought processes. Now, here is the good news. The very essence of hypnosis is relaxation. The AMA accepted hypnosis in 1958 as an effective method of treating stress and stress related symptoms. And unlike drugs, there are absolutely no negative side effects.

Hypnosis is the Alpha level of consciousness. It's the daydream like state of mind that we pass through as we fall asleep at night. And we pass through it again as we awaken in the morning. There are hundreds of different ways that we can guide ourselves into this state of tranquility, from progressive relaxation to visual imagery to listening to hypnosis CD's.

Once in the hypnotic state, we can communicate with our unconscious mind, which is the seat of our emotions. And it becomes easier to accept new ideas and points of view that can help us to dissipate anxiety, or even prevent it from occurring in the first place.

NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), which is a modern form of hypnosis, offers several excellent techniques for eliminating stress. Perhaps the most effective technique is called the "swish" pattern – or the "flash" pattern. After using this technique, your unconscious will automatically use negative, stress producing mental images, as triggers for relaxation producing mental images. In other words, your stressors will automatically trigger relaxation!

Tension, stress, anxiety, and depression can be triggered by our thoughts. So by changing our attitude and point of view towards our situation and our experiences, we can eliminate these feelings at the source. Hypnosis and NLP are natural tools that we can use to help us change our attitude and point of view to quickly eliminate the root cause of these negative feelings.

© 2007 By Alan B. Densky, CH. This document may NOT be re-printed. All Rights Reserved.

Alan B. Densky, CH works in the field stress management. He has helped over 10,000 clients in his hypnosis practice, and offers a number of Self Hypnosis" ,">Neuro-VISION Self Hypnosis site for articles, newsletters and MP3's

I want to thank Alan Densky, CH for allowing me to present the above article to you.

I'm Trap and I'm out!

PS...Looking for a humorous and stress free read? Have you read Rip Van Winkle lately? If not, we have it available as a FREE article at

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