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Thursday, September 27, 2007

Announcing! A FREE RUSH of Traffic to your Blog!

If you have a blog and want to find a way to increase your readership, you have found it. You may not know how to get more readers to read your blog, if this is the case, no worries, it's not your fault, and technology in this area is always changing.

Blog rush is brand new technology designed to bring more eyes or readers to your blog. Imagine the RUSH of excitement you will feel as your hit counter climbs up & up from all the new visitors reading your blog! I had been away from my blog for about four months; work, taking care of a child and just life in general as I know you have experienced kept me away.

A few days ago I received an email informing me about BlogRush, and it piqued my interest. Could something like this really be this simple & work? Well, it does and already the hits to my blog have improved after only one article and including my new blogrush code on my blog. You can experience this too, plus it's FREE. A quick 5 minutes; and yes you really can add it that quick, I did. :)

Have you always thought that your blog should be read by more people? I know I always have, but you just weren't sure how to go about doing it. Blog Rush makes it simple!

You can be a BigDog in the world of bloggers! Feel good that your writing is being seen by more and more eyes.

Heck, you have taken the time out of your busy day to put your thoughts onto your blog, you might as well get as many readers as possible.

You are ready for success, aren't you? Then visit now and start increasing the readers to your blog in five minutes.


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Tuesday, September 25, 2007

New Locksmith License article info

Hey ya'll,

As a fulltime locksmith, we have had many changes to our industry over the past few years. As an example, just look at your car key, I am sure it contains some type of electrical device known as a transponder located in the head of the key. Don't lose it! Big bucks to get a couple made from scratch! Trust me on this one. Anyways, with changes comes regulations, as much as I hate it, sometimes it is for the better. Soon there will be bill a Locksmith License law in place in the great state of Tennessee. Not only will it protect us the Locksmith, but it is designed to protect you the citizen. I wanted to pass along a pretty good article on this issue that was forwarded to me. Enjoy.

As always, any comments, complaints etc... are appreciated.


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Sunday, September 23, 2007

Friday, September 21, 2007

How to Protect your Valuables from Theft

Hello, as I find myself with a little more free time these days, I am going to try and use this blog to bring security tips to everyone. I hope you findthe following tips useful.


One of the most effective tools you can use to retrieve property stolen from you home is a simple electric engraving pen. With this pen you can inscribe your name or a number on the most valuable items in and around your home. Before you do this, check with local police to see which they prefer you use - your name, driver's license number, social security number or whatever.

Engraving your name or number on your valuables helps deter robbery in two ways: First, you discourage the thief since marked property is much more difficult to sell Second, if a thief does steal your property, it is much easier to catch and prosecute him when he is discovered with goods in his possession that are easily identifiable as stolen.

Billions of dollars worth of property stolen each year is never returned to the owners. Why? Because without some identifying mark or number, the police are unable to verify stolen property, or trace the owner. More than half the property recovered by the police is eventually auctioned off or destroyed because the goods have no identifying characteristics.
In some cities, local law enforcement agencies will lend you and your neighbors an engraving pen free. In these communities, you may borrow an engraving tool for several days! days. If this service is not available to you, you can purchase an inexpensive electric pen from your local hardware store for as little as $10 or $15. This small investment could be worth a great deal more to you at a later date.

Items already marked with a serial number - such as cars, TV's, cameras, typewriters, radios, stereos, tape decks, appliances, etc. - may not have to be engraved with your name or personal number. Check with local police first. If they recommend you inscribe your identifying mark on serialized items, inscribe this information just above the manufacturer's serial number.

On unserialized property, inscribe your name or number on the upper right comer of the rear or backside of each item. Should you decide to sell or discard the item at a later date, you should invalidate your number by using the engraving pen or any sharp tool to draw a single line through your name or number from upper left to the lower right hand corner. Do not deface your name or number in any way. It is also advisable, when selling "marked" property, to write out a simple receipt and specify on it that you were the previous owner and indicate the name or number used by you. This could prevent legal hassles for the new owner at a later time.

To protect smaller valuable items such as jewelry, silverware, etc., it is wise to take a photo of each item. A simple, instant-type camera photo is sufficient.

After you have marked and/or photographed all your valuables, make a detailed list of these items and keep it in a safe place. When new items are acquired, add them to your list As other valuables are sold or discarded, cross them off the list.

If you use credit cards, they should be recorded on your list. Either copy your account number and expiration date from each card, or you can have photo copies made for your records.


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Protect Your Valuables from Theft

Good Morning, As I have some free time available, I am going to try once a month to provide everyone with some basic security solutions. It is my hope that these suggestions will help keep you safe. I hope you find the following tips useful.


One of the most effective tools you can use to retrieve property stolen from you home is a simple electric engraving pen. With this pen you can inscribe your name or a number on the most valuable items in and around your home. Before you do this, check with local police to see which they prefer you use - your name, driver's license number, social security number or whatever.

Engraving your name or number on your valuables helps deter robbery in two ways: First, you discourage the thief since marked property is much more difficult to sell Second, if a thief does steal your property, it is much easier to catch and prosecute him when he is discovered with goods in his possession that are easily identifiable as stolen.

Billions of dollars worth of property stolen each year is never returned to the owners. Why? Because without some identifying mark or number, the police are unable to verify stolen property, or trace the owner. More than half the property recovered by the police is eventually auctioned off or destroyed because the goods have no identifying characteristics.

In some cities, local law enforcement agencies will lend you and your neighbors an engraving pen free. In these communities, you may borrow an engraving tool for several days! days. If this service is not available to you, you can purchase an inexpensive electric pen from your local hardware store for as little as $10 or $15. This small investment could be worth a great deal more to you at a later date.
Items already marked with a serial number - such as cars, TV's, cameras, typewriters, radios, stereos, tape decks, appliances, etc. - may not have to be engraved with your name or personal number. Check with local police first. If they recommend you inscribe your identifying mark on serialized items, inscribe this information just above the manufacturer's serial number.

On unserialized property, inscribe your name or number on the upper right comer of the rear or backside of each item. Should you decide to sell or discard the item at a later date, you should invalidate your number by using the engraving pen or any sharp tool to draw a single line through your name or number from upper left to the lower right hand corner. Do not deface your name or number in any way. It is also advisable, when selling "marked" property, to write out a simple receipt and specify on it that you were the previous owner and indicate the name or number used by you. This could prevent legal hassles for the new owner at a later time.

To protect smaller valuable items such as jewelry, silverware, etc., it is wise to take a photo of each item. A simple, instant-type camera photo is sufficient.
After you have marked and/or photographed all your valuables, make a detailed list of these items and keep it in a safe place. When new items are acquired, add them to your list As other valuables are sold or discarded, cross them off the list.
If you use credit cards, they should be recorded on your list. Either copy your account number and expiration date from each card, or you can have photo copies made for your records.

I'm Trap & I'm out

PS.. Happy Thanksgiving to all, and to all be safe

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Saturday, September 08, 2007

Still Alive

4 Months since my last post, but I am still alive. Gawd, I can't even begin to think where these last 4 months have gone. ramble, ramble ramble, oh, thank gawd football season is starting. GO PATS! ramble, ramble & more ramble, hell, I could get a job with abc, nbc, espn, or D; all of the above!

Just notified Red Sox are down 8 to 4 to the Orioles after 3 , FAHK!

This is Trap, and I'm out of here!

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