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Wednesday, November 28, 2007

A perspective worth reading

Middle East Imperative
BY: JIM CASH, Brig. Gen., USAF, Ret.

I wrote recently about the war in Iraq and the larger war against radical Islam, eliciting a number of responses. Let me try and put this conflict in proper perspective. Understand, the current battle we are engaged in is much bigger than just Iraq. What happens in the next year will affect this country and how our kids and grandkids live throughout their lifetime, and beyond. Radical Islam has been attacking the West since the seventh century. They have been defeated in the past and decimated to the point of taking hundreds of years to recover. But they can never be totally defeated. Their birth rates are so far beyond civilized world rates that in time they recover and attempt to dominate again.

There are eight terror-sponsoring countries that make up the grand threat to the West. Two , Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, just need firm pressure from the West to make major reforms. They need to decide who they are really going to support and commit to that support. That answer is simple. They both will support who they think will hang in there until the end, and win. We are not sending very good signals in that direction right now, thanks to the Democrats.
The other six, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Syria, North Korea and Libya will require regime change or a major policy shift. Now, let's look more closely.

Afghanistan and Iraq have both had regime changes, but are being fueled by outsiders from Syria and Iran . We have scared Gaddafi's pants off, and he has given up his quest for nuclear weapons, so I don't think Libya is now a threat.

North Korea (the non-Islamic threat) can be handled diplomatically by buying them off. They are starving. That leaves Syria and Iran. Syria is like a frightened puppy. Without the support of Iran they will join the stronger side. So where does that leave us? Sooner, or later, we are going to be forced to confront Iran, and it better be before they gain nuclear capability.
In 1989 I served as a Command Director inside the Cheyenne Mountain complex located in Colorado Springs, Colorado for almost three years. My job there was to observe (through classified means) every missile shot anywhere in the world and assess if it was a threat to the US or Canada. If any shot was threatening to either nation I had only minutes to advise the President, as he had only minutes to respond. I watched Iran and Iraq shoot missiles at each other every day, and all day long, for months. They killed hundreds of thousand of their people. Know why? They were fighting for control of the Middle East and that enormous oil supply.
At that time, they were preoccupied with their internal problems and could care less about toppling the west. Oil prices were fairly stable and we could not see an immediate threat. Well, the worst part of what we have done as a nation in Iraq is to do away with the military capability of one of those nations. Now, Iran has a clear field to dominate the Middle East, since Iraq is no longer a threat to them. They have turned their attention to the only other threat to their dominance, they are convinced they will win, because the US is so divided, and the Democrats (who now control Congress and may control the Presidency in 2008) have openly said we are pulling out.

Do you have any idea what will happen if the entire Middle East turns their support to Iran, which they will obviously do if we pull out? It is not the price of oil we will have to worry about. Oil WILL NOT BE AVAILABLE to this country at any price. I personally would vote for any presidential candidate who did what JFK did with the space program---declare a goal to bring this country to total energy independence in a decade.

Yes, it is about oil. The economy in this country will totally die if that Middle East supply is cut off right now. It will not be a recession. It will be a depression that will make 1929 look like the "good-old-days". The bottom line here is simple. If Iran is forced to fall in line, the fighting in Iraq will end over night, and the nightmare will be over.

One way or another, Iran must be forced to join modern times and the global community. It may mean a real war---if so, now is the time, before we face a nuclear Iran with the capacity to destroy Israel and begin a new ice age. I urge you to read the book "END GAME" by two of our best Middle East experts, true American patriots and retired military generals, Paul Vallely and Tom McInerney. They are our finest, and totally honest in their assessment of why victory in the Middle East is so important, and how it can be won. Proceeds for the book go directly to memorial fund for our fallen soldiers who served the country during the war on terror. You can find that book by going to the internet through Stand-up America at or

On the other hand, we have several very angry retired generals today, who evidently have not achieved their lofty goals, and insist on ranting and raving about the war. They are wrong, and doing the country great harm by giving a certain political party reason to use them as experts to back their anti-war claims.

You may be one of those who believe nothing could ever be terrible enough to support our going to war. If that is the case I should stop here, as that level of thinking approaches mental disability in this day and age. It is right up there with alien abductions and high altitude seeding through government aircraft contrails. I helped produced those contrails for almost 30 years, and I can assure you we were not seeding the atmosphere. The human race is a war-like population, and if a country is not willing to protect itself, it deserves the consequences. Nuff-said!!!

Now, my last comments will get to the nerve. They will be on politics. I am not a Republican. And, George Bush has made enough mistakes as President to insure my feelings about that for the rest of my life. However, the Democratic Party has moved so far left, they have made me support those farther to the right. I am a conservative who totally supports the Constitution of this country. The only difference between the United States and the South American, third world, dictator infested and ever-changing South American governments, is our US Constitution.

This Republic (note I did not say Democracy) is the longest standing the world has ever known, but it is vulnerable. It would take so little to change it through economic upheaval. There was a time when politicians could disagree, but still work together. We are past that time, and that is the initial step toward the downfall of our form of government.

I think that many view Bush-hating as payback time. The Republicans hated the Clinton's and now the Democrats hate Bush. So, both parties are putting their hate toward willingness to do anything for political dominance to include lying and always taking the opposite stand just for the sake of being opposed. JUST HOW GOOD IS THAT FOR OUR COUNTRY?

In my lifetime, after serving in uniform for President's Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, and Bush I have a pretty good feel for which party supported our military, and what military life was like under each of their terms. And, let me assure you that times were best under the Republicans.

Service under Jimmy Carter was devastating for all branches of the military. And, Ronald Reagan was truly a salvation. You can choose to listen to enriched newscasters, and foolish people like John Murtha (he is no war hero), Nancy Pelosi, John Kerry, Michael Moore, Jane Fonda , Harry Reid, Russ Feingold, Hillary Clinton, Ted Kennedy, and on-and-on to include the true fools in Hollywood if you like. If you do, your conclusions will be totally wrong. The reason that I write, appear on radio talk shows, and do everything I can to denounce those people is simple. THEY ARE PUTTING THEIR THIRST FOR POLITICAL POWER AND QUEST FOR VICTORY IN 2008 ABOVE WHAT IS BEST FOR THIS COUNTRY. I cannot abide that. Pelosi clearly defied the Logan Act by going to Syria , which should have lead to imprisonment of three years and a heavy fine. Jane Fonda did more to prolong the Vietnam war longer than any other human being (as acknowledged by Ho Chi Minh in his writing before he died). She truly should have been indicted for treason, along with her radical husband, Tom Hayden, and forced to pay the consequences.

This country has started to soften by not enforcing its laws, which is another indication of a Republic about to fall. All Democrats, along with the Hollywood elite, are sending us headlong into a total defeat in the Middle East, which will finally give Iran total dominance in the region. A lack of oil in the near future will be the final straw that dooms this Republic. However, if we refuse to let this happen and really get serious about an energy self-sufficiency program, this can be avoided. I am afraid, however, that we are going in the opposite direction. If we elect Hillary Clinton and a Democrat controlled congress, and they carry through with allowing Iran to take control of the Middle East, continue to refuse development of nuclear energy, refuse to allow drilling for new oil, and continue to do nothing but oppose everything Bush, it will be over in terms of what we view as the good life in the USA ..

Now, do I think that all who do not support the war are un-American -- of course not. They just do not understand the importance of total victory in that region.

Another failure of George Bush is his inability to explain to the American people why we are there, and why we MUST win. By the way, it is not a war. The war was won four years ago. It is martial law that is under attack by Iranian and Syrian outside influences, and there is a difference.

So, what do I believe? What is the bottom line? I will simply say that the Democratic Party has fielded the foulest, power hungry, anti-country, self absorbed group of individuals that I have observed in my lifetime. Our educational system is partially to blame for allowing the mass of America to be taken in by this group. George Bush has done the best he can with the disabilities that he possesses.

A President must communicate with the people. And, I would tell you that Desert Storm spoiled the people. Bush Senior's 100-hour war convinced the people that technology has progressed to the point that wars could be fought with no casualties and won in very short periods of time. I remember feeling at the time, that this was a tragedy for the US military. To win wars, you must put boots on the ground. When you put boots on the ground, soldiers are going to die. A President must make the war decision wisely, and insure that the cause is right before using his last political option. However, CONTROLLING IRAN AND DEMOCRATIZING THE MIDDLE EAST IS THE ONLY CHOICE IF WE ARE HELL-BENT ON DEPENDING ON THEM FOR OUR FUTURE ENERGY NEEDS.

Jimmy L. Cash, Brig. Gen., USAF, Ret.
Lakeside , Montana 59922

"I'll tell you what war is all about, you've got to kill people,
and when you've killed enough they stop fighting."
Gen. Curtis LeMay

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Sunday, November 25, 2007

An Easy Way To Earn 327% More From ALL Your Affiliate Programs

Dear Friend,

If you are doing any type of marketing, especially on the internet,
I have a question for you.

Which one of the following links do you think your audience would
choose to click on?


I have just discovered the Ultimate Affiliate's "Secret" Stealth
Marketing Tool, and I thought you would want to know about this
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Finally, how to easily make every long, ugly affiliate or
website link (that even your best friend wouldn't click on)
"turn into" a short, easy to remember, search engine
friendly domain name that attracts clicks like a 2-ton magnet!

And, in the process, triple your results -- meaning more
referral cash in your pocket every single month.

It's called NameStick, and is available at:

- Increase traffic by 327% (with the exact same effort)
- Stop people from "cutting off" your affiliate ID
- Easy to remember link
- Benefit loaded name (instead of a company name)
- Invisibly track commissions
- Look like you created and own the site
- Unlimited Email forwarding with your domain
- Finally get listed in the search engines and explode sales
- Search engine friendly (unlike normal affiliate links)
- Doesn't scream "I make money off you!"
- More credibility

Can you really afford NOT to get NameStick
for your affiliate or distributor link?

Yours for Success,

Thomas Sherwood

P.S. Check out how I use NameStick for a company-replicated
website at


Cool, eh!?!

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Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

Good morning,

It goes without saying that I want to wish everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving.

Many times the days go by and we get caught up in just "life" happening. I know it happens to me everyday. I want to take today and send out some very much delayed Thank yous.

The first thing I am thankful for are all our service men & women protecting this valuable freedom that we have. I may not agree with our president all the time, but I am thankful that the war on terror is being fought and won over there, and not on our precious soil. For all the Army, Sailors, Air Force and especially my beloved United States Marine Corps, THANK YOU.

I am thankful for the many friends I have and especially my very close friends. This past year has been a struggle personally, financially and also in business. My buddies are the best as they have stood by, helped when they can or could, and have been a shoulder to lean on. THANK YOU

I was also very fortunate to visit NYC this year and revisit with some ole Marine Corps buddies. You guys are the best. Probably the best times in my life are when I served with them. THANK YOU.

Now my daughter, what can I say. This little gem has me wrapped around her finger like I don't know what. Her smile melts me, and even though I get on to her, she loves me. Somebody with a warped sense of humor thought it would be funny to put me in charge of a teenager. Well, as tough as some days are, Thank you. This girl brings home A's & B's on her report card, does her very best on the volleyball court, and is overall just a very good child. I am blessed. THANK YOU

And so, as this day winds down and continues, I will always think of those that have helped me, where I have been, and most importantly, where I am going. I look to 2008 with much anticipation.

I believe I have found a true love for me, and with all things I am waiting patiently on that to develop. I believe the new year will bring continued success to my locksmith business and the other online ventures I am trying.

Happy Thanks giving everyone.

I'm Trap & I'm Out!

PS...Prime Rib for dinner this afternoon! Mmmmmmmmmmmm

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Monday, November 19, 2007

Black Friday is Approaching

Black Friday is Coming!
Black Friday is Coming!
Black Friday is Coming!
Black Friday is Coming!
Black Friday is Coming!
Black Friday is Coming!
Black Friday is Coming!
Black Friday is Coming!

What is Black Friday you ask??

This week here in the USA is Thanksgiving, and Friday November 23rd is the biggest shopping day of the year - Black Friday.

My three favorite words during this time of the year is Point, Click & Ship! I will explain how those three little words can help you solve ALL your shopping worries. Starting this Friday; Black Friday.

On Black Friday you won’t have a cold, dark parking lot to line up in, but I know a place that will have a bunch of great deals to help you get holiday shopping done for less. From the warm comfort of your own home. :)

This year Amazon has created a Black Friday page for holiday shoppers at:

Amazon will be offering hourly deals from 6am to 6pm PST along with thousands of products on sale for a limited time. Also, customers will get gift wrapping for $.99 per item.

So, don't fight the crowds when you can shop online at:

from the comfort of your own homes.

So, make plans now to stay at home on Black Friday, and Point, Click and Ship your way through the Holiday shopping season.

I'm Trap & I'm out.

I hope this has been useful for you, this is how I make it through the Holiday shopping season. Unless someone locks their keys in their car and I have to go to the Mall. :)

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Sunday, November 18, 2007

Black Friday

Black Friday is approaching!

Are you ready and prepared?

Don't know what Black Friday is???

Tune in for more details Monday November 19th 2007

c u then, :)


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Saturday, November 17, 2007

How well did you sleep last night?

Hey ya'll,

Did you know that sleep is a behavioral state that is a natural part of every individual’s life. We spend about one-third of our lives asleep. Nonetheless, people generally know little about the importance of this essential activity. Sleep is not just something to fill time when a person is inactive. Sleep is a required activity, not an option. Even though the precise functions of sleep remain a mystery, sleep is important for normal motor and cognitive function. We all recognize and feel the need to sleep. After sleeping, we recognize changes that have occurred, as we feel rested and more alert. Sleep actually appears to be required for survival. Rats deprived of sleep will die within two to three weeks, a time frame similar to death due to starvation.

If you are not getting the proper amount of sleep, or would really like to learn how to take "power naps" and wake up feely refreashed and ready to take on the world, please visit

You will find this quick read ebook very helpful in getting back on track to a better more restful and peacful sleep.

I'm Trap & I'm out

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Saturday, November 10, 2007


I think it is time to change from REDNECK humor to TRUE AMERICAN Humor!

Only it isn't seen as HUMOR, but a good way to LIVE YOUR LIFE!

If you feel the same, pass this on to your True American friends. Y'all know who you are...

You might be a TRUE AMERICAN if: It never occurred to you to be offended by the phrase, "One nation, under God."

You might be a TRUE AMERICAN if: You've never thought of protesting the 10 Commandments posted in public places.

You might be a TRUE AMERICAN if: You still say "Christmas" instead of "Winter Festival."

You might be a TRUE AMERICAN if: You bow your head when someone prays.

You might be a TRUE AMERICAN if: You stand and place your hand over your heart when the National Anthem is played, no matter where you are.

You might be a TRUE AMERICAN if: You treat Viet Nam vets with great respect and always have.

You might be a TRUE AMERICAN if: You've been outraged by others disrespecting or protesting the American flag.

You might be a TRUE AMERICAN if: You know what you believe and you aren't afraid to say so, no matter who is listening.

You might be a TRUE AMERICAN if: You respect your elders and expect your kids to do the same.

You might be a TRUE AMERICAN if: You'd give your last dollar to a friend.

You might be a TRUE AMERICAN if: You expect your kids to pledge allegiance to the flag every morning in class.

You might be a TRUE AMERICAN if: You respect some of the old ways of teaching, including the use of the bible.

God Bless the U S A ! Amen


Git'er done fellow Americans!!!!!!!!!!!!



I'm Trap, and I'm out!

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Friday, November 09, 2007



Here is your November 2007 edition of Sherwood Locksmithing's
Security eZine. With the Holiday's approaching, and maybe some
travel days on your calendar, I hope you find the following
article useful.


Be sure to lock your doors before you leave, and let a neighbor,
(that you trust) have a key. When leaving your home, practice the
following advice - it could pay big, big dividends.


A residence, which presents a "lived-in" appearance, is a
deterrent to burglars. Never leave notes that can inform a
burglar that your house is unoccupied. Make certain all
windows and doors are secured before departing. An empty
garage advertises your absence so close the doors.

When going out at night, leave one or more interior lights
on and perhaps have a radio playing (TV Sets should not be
left unattended). Timers may be purchased that will turn
lights on and off during your absence.

Do not leave door keys under flowerpots or doormats, inside
an unlocked mailbox, over the doorway, or in other obvious


Discontinue milk, newspapers, and other deliveries by phone
or in person ahead of time. Do not leave notes.

Arrange for lawn care and have someone remove advertising
circulars and other debris regularly. On the other hand,
several toys scattered about will create an impression of

Notify the post office to forward your mail or have a
trustworthy person pick it up daily. Apartment house tenants
should also heed this hint since stuffed mail receptacles are
a give-away when no one is home.

Inform neighbors of your absence so they can be extra alert
for suspicious persons. Leave a key with them so your place
may be priodica1ly inspected. Ask them to vary the positions
of your shades and blinds.

When you leave, do not publicize your plans. Some burglars
specialize in reading newspaper accounts of other people's
vacation activities.

If you find a door or window has been forced or broken while
you were away, DO NOT ENTER. The criminal may still be inside.
Use a neighbor's phone immediately to summon police.

Do not touch anything or clean up if a crime has occurred.
Preserve the scene until police inspect for evidence.

1. Lock before you leave.
2. Trust a neighbor with key.
3. Set Your Alarm
4. Be a concerned neighbor - yourself.

Thomas "Trapper" Sherwood

Business Hours Mon-Fri 8am-5pm
Phone Number 615 355-5886


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I will find U, take

I will find U, take U 2 bed, have my way with U. U will moan groan & beg me 2 stop. I'll exhaust U & leave U weak for days! Sincerely,The FLU

Monday, November 05, 2007


Tha Trap

Counterfeit Money Alert! Tis the

Counterfeit Money Alert! Tis the season in more ways than one. Be on the alert for counterfeit $100.00!
Tha Trap

Saturday, November 03, 2007

a front pic of the Dakota
Tha Trap

The Dokata apts NYC, the place were John Lennon was shot. this pic was taken on my first day of a wknd stay in NYC. more pics to come!
Tha Trap
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