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Monday, September 29, 2008

Weekend All Stars Audio and Transcripts

Hey Ya'll,

It's official. The All-Stars of Traffic Marathon is now "history".

If you didn't get attend the Marathon, you truly missed the best-of-the-best web traffic information EVER disclosed.

We are not talking about run-of-the-mill, tired, worn out strategies. We are talking about the very best traffic strategies available today.

But all is not lost...yet. In fact,
the folks at Trafficology
realize a lot of you may not have been
able to catch the Marathon this weekend
- or at least the whole thing - for various reasons.

And they also understand that some of you may have gotten so excited jotting down notes and ideas for how to implement these tactics in your own business that you couldn't - or forgot - to take notes.

That's why they decided to do you a HUGE favor.
They just can't bear the thought that a lot of you might not have gotten to take advantage of this huge opportunity.

So, they're giving you one final
chance to get each and every single
call we hosted in audio version to listen to on your computer or iPod - plus we're going to give you all of the transcripts of the calls.

For details, go to:

Look, you do not want to end up like
our old friend Paul.

If anything else, you'll learn a very,
very important lesson when you
read what happened to Paul:

All of the audios, transcripts, and
the new bonuses we've added will
only be available for a very limited

They've given you a lot of chances,
...but whatever you do,
don't end up like Paul.

To access the entire All Stars of
Traffic Weekend Call Marathon,
simply go to:



P.S.... Make sure you listen to some
of the audio sample clips found on:
to get a taste of what this weekend has
been like!

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Sunday, September 21, 2008

The Great Cookie Dough Crusade...revisited


If you read my blog a few weeks ago, or you check my achieves, you will remember or read about "The Great Cookie Dough Crusade".

This was about helping my daughter and her volleyball team raise much needed funds through the selling of cookie dough.

Well, the team did very good, (Not sure of the actual numbers, guess my Top Secret Security clearance from the Marine Corps wasn't high enough for me to know info such as that).

The coach was pleased. That's always a good thing.

So, the cookie dough arrived Wed night. We spent some of the evening delivering the dough to friends that bought some.

When we got home, we baked some of the Peanut Butter ones, 18 to be exact!

Oh they were so good.

So this morning, just to be safe, (Quality Control you know) we baked some of the White Chocolate/Macadamia nut cookie dough.

Once again these get my vote!

So, all in all, the team raised a fair amount of money, and the product was well worth the price.

(Now to go get that Gym membership, I have a feeling I am going to need it!)

I'm Trap, Good Sunday Morning to you all!

PS...maybe if I drink some Glyco Tea with all these cookies I want absorb to many carbs, ah one can only hope & dream

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Thursday, September 18, 2008

It's been a "Jacked up" week


Wall street falling, Hurricanes, Biden with health problems, what a Jacked up week!

But I love the Palin pics, :)

So try a Jacked up Dog at:

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :)


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It's Live, It's Live, It's Live!

What's Live you might ask??

The new web page!

Personal safety & security secrets Revealed!

I know I have to update on how I got it launched,

But with Wall street falling, Hurricanes hitting, etc...

I wanted to get LIVE!

Check it out!

More on it again soon,

I'm Trap & I'm out tha door!

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Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Wall Streets woes help with web page?


Ok, good things are happening and in between doing my Locksmith business, ( thing are progressing on the web page.

Hosting company unpgrade from , done.

I went into my accounts page, located my domain name, changed server name that namecheap issused me.

I went to the control panel you get with namecheap as as hosting company and added my new domain name to my already existing name

Oh yes, I also registered my corp name, that points to my Locksmith company page. I did that so when people receive a confirmation email from me, it looks a lot more professional. All emails from my two new sites now come from Lexzco inc.

Also, for my auto responder and shopping cart, I am using

They answered my questions about my auto responder and they are another company I recommend.

So things are progressing very well.

I have a couple of tweakes to do with the sales letter. Browsers IE, and Mozilla are screwing with my quotation marks around some of my sentances, don't know why.

Anyways, things are closing in on getting done.

I feel this site will be able to help people stay safe, and get their families, homes and business safe from crime.

I'm Trap & I'm out, (for now)

PS...I am also uploading and testing my pages. For a GREAT and FREE FTP program, I suggest

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Monday, September 15, 2008

Sidetracked on web page

Good morning everyone,

As noted yesterday, the web page progress just did not happen.

Sidetracked by volleyball all Friday night, and all day Saturday will do that to a person.

Plus I tried to fire up the trusty laptop Sunday morning, nope, no go.

Well, it was a good day to watch Boston Red Sox baseball and New England Patriots football anyways.

So here is where I stand.

I have registered the domain and waiting for my hosting company to bring everything up to speed.

I use and let me say I really, really like them. For one thing the customer support is actually customer support. Pricing is very reasonable for hosting and domain registration. I will continue to use and recommend them.

I am also awaiting a reply for some shopping cart questions I asked to my shopping cart host. I understand this may be a little slow since I asked the question over the weekend.

I have a couple new ideas that I will add to my sales letter so it will stand out, (hint, hint, some audio on the 1st page).

So there we are, not much news, and nothing exciting. Except the audio idea.

I know I am making progress and I continue to reaffirm that to myself.

Until next time,

I'm Trap

PS...If you are looking for a way to get your own project started, why not take a look at Good stuff.

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Sunday, September 14, 2008

latest update on new webpage.

latest update on new webpage. well after a weekend of volleyball with my daughters HS team, i just now tried to fire up my laptop. its frozen

Friday, September 12, 2008

Caribbean Dog?

Good Morning ya'll!

I thought this weekend I would add a lil "Island" flavor for
your Hair of the Dog drink recipe.

Let's call this one:

"The Caribbean Dog"

1 shot Malibu Rum

1 can Hair of the dog

Blend in mixer w/ice

Serve in Tall glass w/
1/2 shot Chambord Floated

Garnish w/orange slice & Cherry



Enjoy the weekend!


PS...did you know more drink recipes can
be found at:

Check it out!

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Thursday, September 11, 2008

Help me stop Rita (Ike)

Help Me Stop Rita (Ike)
by Dr. Joe Vitale
As I type these words, people in Houston are scrambling to leave the city.
The Mayor has urged many to evacuate.
The next hurricane, Rita, is bigger and badder than Katrina, and it's headed this way.
Yes, our area is in the path of the hurricane, too.
With luck, by the time it hits mainland Texas, it will have dropped from a category 5 to a category 1 hurricane. We're stocking up on supplies, like everyone else.
While the world is still reeling from the effects of Katrina, we're now bracing for something that could be just as bad, or worse.
As I listen to the news, and watch people, the key word that everyone says or seems to breathe is "victim."
We're victims of storms.
We're victims of chance.
We're victims of a poorly run government.
We're victims of gas prices, gas shortages, inflation, recession, taxes, wars, and now -- the worst of all -- Mother Nature.
I'm going to say something unusual. It may upset some people. I'm hoping it will inspire you. Here goes:
You have more power than you think.
While you may not want to stand in the path of Rita, you don't have to cower under the bed.
As odd as it may sound, I believe that if enough of us think positive, we can create a counter storm of sorts. We can protect ourselves and our loved ones with our thoughts.
I've described and proved this with the research in the back of my book, "The Attractor Factor."
Nineteen studies *proved* that when a large group of people hold positive intentions, those intentions radiate out and become reality.
No, I'm not saying ignore the storm warnings. I'm saying don't get caught up in the fear that the warnings often trigger.
Look. If you think the storm will get you, then it's already gotten you. You're living in fear.
Your life is dark, gloomy and in a cage. The media is flawless at whipping us into fear.
So I suggest ignoring the media. It's not information, it's propaganda. It gets large groups of people to think negative, which of course then becomes reality.
Why can't we do the opposite?
Why can't we get large groups of people
to think positive?
At this very moment, as I type this and you read this, all is well.
Isn't it?
Aren't you ok?
Aren't you feeling fine right now?
Yes, be sure to have batteries and water and supplies.
But also check the storehouse in your mind.
Are you living in fear, or living in trust?
Are you focused on the negative, or are
you doing something to create a positive?
We are all, always, at choice.
My plea is that the readers of my ezine -- you -- will stop, breathe, and focus; pray, or in some positive way send out an energy that will help dissolve the fear in and around us.
I'm asking you to do this on Saturday, the day Rita is scheduled to visit Texas.
As I was finishing this article, UPS delivered two books to me. Both are timely and worth mentioning.
"Unconditional Bliss" says you can find
happiness in the face of hardship.
I think this is relevant. While the media is making us shake in our boots, we can choose to take care of ourselves and others *while* remaining happy.
Happiness is a choice.
The other book looks just as fascinating.
It's "Megatrends 2010" by Pat Aburdene.
To my surpirse (and delight), the book
declares that the future will be more
focused on spirit.
Well, let's create the future right now.
Let's focus on spirit.
What I'm asking you to do is be happy,
right now. Smile. Send that loving energy out, in the direction of Texas. Intend for all to be well, for, in reality, all is well.
In fact, pretend you are the eye of the
hurricane. That's the center where all
is at peace. *Be* that peace and send
that peace from the eye to the hurricane itself, imagining it dropping in intensity.
We can make a difference.
It begins with you.
What will you choose to think?
Dr. Joe Vitale
"Aude aliquid dignum" *
Author of way too many books to mention, including the bestsellers "The Attractor Factor,"
"Life's Missing Instruction Manual" and ooohhh so many more, including the head spinner, "Zero Limits" and the mega-hit, "The Key."
Star of the movies The Secret, The Compass, and Try It On Everything
Released tomorrow - The Awakening Course
See it all at
Member BBB 2003 - 2008
* 16th century Latin: "Dare something worthy"

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New Webpage continues

Mornin Ya'll,

Well as mentioned yesterday, the website or i should say web page has started.

I have my shopping cart button on the page now. I also tweaked the sales letter a lil bit.

Also I was able to create my download page. Putting the text on this page was simple enough, but the download image of where one will "right click & Save taget As", well that was a different story.

I had to go into my download page, insert another table, and then I created the download box, and highlighted the "Save Target As.." line.

I have to admit I tried to copy & paste an image inside the table, but couldn't get it to bring up. Oh well, maybe someone knows how to do that and can inform me so I'll know what to do next time.

I found all the bonuses I plan to include and put them all into one folder.

Pat O'Bryan workbook has been very, very helpful to me in setting my page up.

I will include his url next time with the product of his that I am using.

Also, if you have read my blog posts from earlier this year, you know I am inspired by a couple of products. One that I am using and HIGHLY reccommend is

Step by step on how to do most everything.

I am know in the process of uploading my product & bonuses to my secure shopping cart system. If that is the wrong terminology, forgive, but that name works for me.

This is my latest snag.

I can upload my main product, get a code to paste on my site no problem. Here's the kicker, I can't seem to upload my additional bonuses. Errrr

Anyone, anyone?? Help with this??? Pleaaase.

Kinda confusing, but I know I will get it soon, I just hate these learning curves sometimes.

So that's where I am at today. If I have some time, I will email support at the shopping cart company and see if they can help.

In the meantime, follow your heart & your dreams, & prosper.


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Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Oddessy of a new web page

Good morning ya'll,

Yesterday I started to develop a new web page.

I won"t go into details of what it is, yet.

I kind of want to jot down what I've done as i progress through this new journey.

A week or so ago, I designed and put in place a new "squeeze" page for my Hair of the dog energy drink site.

If your interested, that site is I know it's kinda plain right now, but I do have more ideas to spruce it up.

Feel free to comment, I'd love to know what people want or are looking for.

Anyways, looking back on how that site all came together, I guess it was relatively simple.

Of course if I had recorded my progress on doing that page, I probably would see where any frustration was.

This new site I want to install a shopping cart so people can actually buy & download an ebook and extra bonuses of a real good value.

So here we go. I also do updates on twitter.

Tues Sept 9th, as I realized more & more how i wanted this new site, I actually sat down and started it.

Sometimes just starting is the hardest.

Within the course of a couple of hours, I had my sales letter.

I'm cheating here because over the past 9 or 10 months I have jotted down ideas for this sales letter. Tuesday I finally put them all together with some modification.

I am using the free version of Eversoft Firstpage 2006. For me it seems to be a good program. I am getting the hang of it.

I like being able to go back and forth from design to source to preview. Maybe you can do the same with Dreamweaver and other software, but hey this version was free. Good deal.

So with that being said, my sales letter is complete.

The locksmith phone started ringing, and I had a volleyball game to go to, so that's as far as i got yesterday.

No much, but it's a start.

Until the next update,

I'm Trap & I'm out.

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Tuesday, September 09, 2008

my freshman daughter serving for her varsity volleyball team i admit it, i am a proud dad .

Sometimes it not always about winnng.

I am so proud of her work ethic and her determination.

She has no sub conscious blocks like I have been clearing through the use of "The Missing Secret" by Dr. Joe Vitale.

She sets her mind and goes about doing it.

With the great attitude she already has, I expect for her to continue to achieve and surpass any goals she may set for herself.

(Now if I can just get her to clean her room) :) hahahaha

I'm Trap & I'm out

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Monday, September 08, 2008

Help heal Tom Brady's knee


As I comtemplated Tom Brady's knee injury, the future of the Patriots season last night, and the effect this will have on the Patriots nation, I came to one conclusion...

Instead of using ANY negative energy towards this, lets reverse it.

Let's use the Law of Attraction and attract a quick healing for Tom Brady, the Patriots, and yes even us Pats fans.

So, as you read this, and pass it on to your fellow Pats fans, join in as together we heal Tom Brady's knee with a Nation of healing thoughts.

If you have seen the movie the secret, or read about it, or have used the Law of Attraction, you know this is possible.

I'll be doing my mantra all day to bring positive, healing energy.

Join me.



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Sunday, September 07, 2008

The NFL is Back!

Greetings ya'll,

As I type this, the NFL is BACK!

I am so stoked the football has returned!

I am looking forward to watching as much New England
Patriots football as possible.

I don't care if the go undefeated in the regular season
like last year, I just want another NFL Championship
Ring back in New England!

Go Pats!

I'm Trap & I'm out!

PS...Baseball's second season starts next month, GO RED SOX!

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Friday, September 05, 2008

A quick Drink Recipe for the week


I hope everyone had a wonderful & safe Labor Day weekend.

Did you get a chance to try last weekends drink recipe called
"Bark at the Moon"

If you didn't the receipe is still listed on the post below this one.

What do I have on the agenda for a Drink recipe this weekend?

Here you go.

It's pretty simple, but hey, I'm in a simple mood :)

"Doggy Bomb"!

1 Shot of Jagger
1/2 can or more to your liking of Hair of the Dog!


Not only does Hair of the Dog taste better than the
other energy drinks, but it also cures and helps
prevent Hangovers!

Please be responible when drinking & alsways use a
SOBER Designated Driver!

I'm Trap & I'm out!

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